我不得不使用int和一堆運算符重載一個向量類。每次嘗試使用+, - 或/運算符時,我都會遇到一個運行時錯誤,它表示無效的分配大小:4294967295字節。任何關於如何改進我的代碼的反饋也是受歡迎的。無效的分配運行時錯誤
我的代碼: myArray.h
using namespace std;
class myArray{
int *A;
int lenght;
int maxSize;
myArray(){lenght = 0; maxSize = 0; A = new int[maxSize];}
myArray(int s){maxSize = s; lenght = 0; A = new int[maxSize];}
myArray(const myArray &M);
~myArray(){delete[] A;}
const int getMaxSize(){return maxSize;}
const int getLenght(){return lenght;}
const myArray& operator +(const myArray& A);
const myArray& operator -(const myArray A);
const int operator *(const myArray& A);
const myArray& operator /(const myArray A);
const myArray& operator +(int A);
const myArray& operator -(int A);
const int operator *(int A);
const myArray operator /(int A);
const myArray operator ++();
const myArray operator ++(int);
const myArray operator --();
const myArray operator --(int);
myArray operator -();
int operator [](int ind) const;
myArray& operator =(const myArray& rho);
void push(int n);
int pop();
void insert(int n, int pos);
int remove(int pos);
void resize(int newSize);
using namespace std;
class myException: public exception
int code;
string reason;
myException(){code = 0; reason = "Unknown";}
myException(int c, string r){code = c; reason = r;}
friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outputStream, const myException A);
ostream& operator <<(ostream& outputStream, const myException A)
outputStream << "Code: " << A.code << " Reason: " << A.reason << endl;
return outputStream;
#ifndef MYARRAY_H
#define MYARRAY_H
#include "myArray.h"
#include "myException.h"
//Copy contructor
myArray::myArray(const myArray &M)
maxSize = M.maxSize;
lenght = M.lenght;
A = new int[maxSize];
for(int i = 0; i < M.lenght; i++)
A[i] = M.A[i];
//Adds the elements of the array with each other and returns the result
const myArray& myArray::operator +(const myArray& secondArray)
if(lenght != secondArray.lenght)
throw myException(10, "Different sizes!");
myArray result(secondArray);
for(int i = 0; i < lenght;i++)
result.A[i] = A[i] + secondArray.A[i];
return result;
catch(myException& e)
cout << e;
//Subtracts the elements of the array with each other and returns the result
const myArray& myArray::operator -(const myArray secondArray)
if(lenght != secondArray.lenght)
throw myException(10, "Different sizes!");
myArray result(secondArray);
for(int i = 0; i < lenght;i++)
result.A[i] = this->A[i] - secondArray.A[i];
return result;
catch(myException& e)
cout << e;
//Gets the dot product of 2 vectors
const int myArray::operator *(const myArray& secondArray)
if(lenght != secondArray.lenght)
throw myException(10, "Different sizes!");
int result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < lenght;i++)
result += this->A[i] * secondArray.A[i];
return result;
catch(myException& e)
cout << e;
//Divides the elements of the array with each other and returns the result
const myArray& myArray::operator /(const myArray secondArray)
if(lenght != secondArray.lenght)
throw myException(10, "Different sizes!");
myArray result(secondArray);
for(int i = 0; i < lenght;i++)
result.A[i] = this->A[i]/secondArray.A[i];
return result;
catch(myException& e)
cout << e;
//Adds the elements of the array with an int and returns the result
const myArray& myArray::operator +(int A)
myArray result(*this);
for(int i = 0; i < lenght;i++)
result = this->A[i] + A;
return result;
//Subtracts the elements of the array with an int and returns the result
const myArray& myArray::operator -(int A)
myArray result(*this);
for(int i = 0; i < lenght;i++)
result = this->A[i] - A;
return result;
//Gets the dot product of a vector multiplied by an int
const int myArray::operator *(int A)
int result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < lenght;i++)
result += this->A[i] * A;
return result;
//Divides the elements of the array with an int and returns the result
const myArray myArray::operator /(int A)
myArray result(*this);
for(int i = 0; i < lenght;i++)
result = this->A[i]/A;
return result;
//increments every element in the array by 1(Pre-increment)
const myArray myArray::operator ++()
for(int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
return *this;
//increments every element in the array by 1(Post-increment)
const myArray myArray::operator ++(int)
myArray temp(maxSize);
for(int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
temp.A[i] = A[i]++;
return temp;
//decrements every element in the array by 1(Pre-decrement)
const myArray myArray::operator --()
for(int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
return *this;
//decrements every element in the array by 1(Post-decrement)
const myArray myArray::operator --(int)
myArray temp(maxSize);
for(int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
temp.A[i] = A[i]--;
return temp;
//Makes every element in the array negative
myArray myArray::operator -()
for(int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
A[i] = -A[i];
return *this;
//returns the number in the array using []
int myArray::operator [](int ind) const
if(ind > lenght)
throw myException(60, "Array index out of bounds");
return A[ind];
catch(myException& e)
cout << e;
//Assignment operator
myArray& myArray::operator=(const myArray& B)
delete [] A;
A = new int[B.maxSize];
lenght = B.lenght;
maxSize = B.maxSize;
for(int i = 0; i < B.lenght; i++)
A[i] = B.A[i];
return (*this);
//pushes the value inserted to the next available spot in the array
void myArray::push(int n)
if(lenght == maxSize)
throw myException(30, "Not enough space");
if(lenght == 0)
A[0] = n;
for(int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
if(i+1 == lenght)
A[i+1] = n;
catch(myException& e)
cout << e;
//Removes the last element in the array and returns it
int myArray::pop()
if(lenght <= 0)
throw myException(60, "Array index out of bounds");
int temp = A[lenght - 1];
A[lenght - 1] = NULL;
return temp;
catch(myException& e)
cout << e;
inserts an element at the specified position
void myArray::insert(int n, int pos)
if(pos > lenght)
throw myException(60, "Array index out of bounds");
for(int i = 0; i <= lenght; i++)
if(i == pos)
A[i-1] = n;
catch(myException& e)
cout << e;
//removes an element at a specified position an returns the value.
int myArray::remove(int pos)
if(pos < 0 || (pos > lenght -1))
throw myException(50, "Invalid Position");
int temp = A[pos];
A[pos] = NULL;
for(int i = pos; i < lenght; i++)
A[i] = A[i+1];
return temp;
catch(myException& e)
cout << e;
//Re sizes the entire array
void myArray::resize(int newSize)
int *B;
B = new int[newSize];
maxSize = newSize;
for(int i = 0; i < lenght; i++)
B[i] = A[i];
delete[] A;
A = B;
#include "myArray.h"
int main()
int num;
myArray vector1;
myArray vector2(5);
myArray vector3;
//cout << "Max Size: " << vector1.getMaxSize() << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cin >> num;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cin >> num;
vector3 = vector1 + vector2;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cout << vector3.pop() << endl;
有趣。你有一個名爲'A'的成員變量,並將你的函數參數命名爲'A'。採訪失敗。 – kfsone
你不會喜歡這個建議,但我會對你很痛苦誠實。你應該重新開始。你寫了很多代碼,你很清楚的瞭解它。重新開始,不要只寫代碼,通過調試器運行它並觀察它的功能。花時間讓你的代碼可讀和有意義。然後再回答關於您不確定的個別項目的個別問題。另外,當你覆蓋一個指針'A = new [maxSize]'時,以前的值不會自動解除分配。這被稱爲內存泄漏。你有它。還有:'長度'。 – kfsone