我曾嘗試做一些計算,但有些東西不太合理。我想實現以下 使用JAVA循環進行數學計算
public class VelocityFall
public static void main (String [] a)
Scanner s = new Scanner (System.in);
System.out.print("This program prints a table that shows each \nsecond,"
"height from the ground (meters), and the velocity (m/s)\n of a free-falling" +
"object from an initial height (metres).\nPlease input the Initial Height H: ");
// input/get the value of H from the keyboard
double H = s.nextDouble();
// we need to design/output the table by using println with lines and tabs (\t)
System.out.println ("------------------------------------------");
System.out.println (" t(s)\t\tHeight(m)\t\tVelocity(m/s)");
System.out.println ("------------------------------------------");
//we now require a for loop
for (int t = 0; t<=15; t++)
// we are now going to calculate and output the velocity and decreasing
double velocity = 9.8*t;
H = H-(0.5*9.8*Math.pow(t,2));
System.out.println(t + "\t\t" + H + "\t\t" + velocity);
我從運動學開始已經很長時間了,但是不應該從初始高度計算H,而不是從前一個高度計算H? –
您可以編輯您的問題,以便更好地格式化,並且可以請您解釋*您正在嘗試做什麼*。 「有些計算」並不是什麼東西,那只是一個寬鬆的話,你想要做什麼確切的計算,哪些輸入,輸出如何不同,以及相當重要:你在代碼中隔離了什麼問題,你有什麼試圖解決它,但最終沒有得到它的工作? –