我最初的問題是,我有一長串參數的函數,超過了允許作爲參數傳遞給cuda內核的內存(我不不記得有多少字節,因爲我已經處理了一段時間)。所以,我繞過這個問題的方式是定義一個新的結構,它的成員是指向其他結構的指針,以後我可以從內核中取消引用。cuda gdb:內核指示不在代碼中
...這是當前問題開始的地方:在我嘗試從內核中取消引用指針(我之前創建的結構的成員)的地方,我得到CUDA_EXCEPTION_5, Warp Out-of-range Address
typedef struct {
int strx;
int stry;
int strz;
float* el;
} manmat;
typedef struct {
manmat *x;
manmat *y;
manmat *z;
} manmatvec;
int main() {
manmat resu0;
resu0.strx = n+2; resu0.stry = m+2; resu0.strz = l+2;
if (cudaMalloc((void**)&resu0.el,sizeof(float) * (n+2)*(m+2)*(l+2)) != cudaSuccess) cout << endl << " ERROR allocating memory for manmat resu0" << endl ;
manmat resv0;
resv0.strx = n+2; resv0.stry = m+2; resv0.strz = l+2;
if (cudaMalloc((void**)&resv0.el,sizeof(float) * (n+2)*(m+2)*(l+2)) != cudaSuccess) cout << endl << " ERROR allocating memory for manmat resv0" << endl ;
manmat resw0;
resw0.strx = n+2; resw0.stry = m+2; resw0.strz = l+2;
if (cudaMalloc((void**)&resw0.el,sizeof(float) * (n+2)*(m+2)*(l+2)) != cudaSuccess) cout << endl << " ERROR allocating memory for manmat resw0" << endl ;
manmatvec residues0 ;
residues0.x = &resu0;
residues0.y = &resv0;
residues0.z = &resw0;
exec_res_std_2d <<<numBlocks2D, threadsPerBlock2D>>> (residues0, ......) ;
__global__ void exec_res_std_2d (manmatvec residues, ......) {
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int k = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
manmat *resup;
manmat *resvp;
manmat *reswp;
resup = residues.x;
resvp = residues.y;
reswp = residues.z;
manmat resu, resv, resw ;
resu.strx = (*resup).strx; //LINE 1626
resu.stry = (*resup).stry;
resu.strz = (*resup).strz;
resu.el = (*resup).el;
resv = *resvp;
resw = *reswp;
[Launch of CUDA Kernel 1065 (exec_res_std_2d<<<(1,2,1),(32,16,1)>>>) on Device 0]
[Launch of CUDA Kernel 1066 (exec_res_bot_2d<<<(1,2,1),(32,16,1)>>>) on Device 0]
Program received signal CUDA_EXCEPTION_5, Warp Out-of-range Address.
[Switching focus to CUDA kernel 1065, grid 1066, block (0,0,0), thread (0,2,0), device 0, sm 0, warp 2, lane 0]
0x0000000003179020 in fdivide<<<(1,2,1),(32,16,1)>>> (a=warning: Variable is not live at this point. Value is undetermined.
..., pt=warning: Variable is not live at this point. Value is undetermined.
..., cells=warning: Variable is not live at this point. Value is undetermined.
...) at ola.cu:1626
1626 ola.cu: No such file or directory.
in ola.cu
另外,可能很重要的一點是,在調試器內部程序運行的開始階段,儘管事實上我編譯了我的cuda c文件,我用-arch=sm_20 -g -G -gencode arch=compute_20,code=sm_20
[New Thread 0x7ffff3b69700 (LWP 12465)]
[Context Create of context 0x1292340 on Device 0]
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /tmp/cuda-dbg/12456/session1/elf.1292340.1619c10.o.LkkWns
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /tmp/cuda-dbg/12456/session1/elf.1292340.1940ad0.o.aHtC7W
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /tmp/cuda-dbg/12456/session1/elf.1292340.2745680.o.bVXEWl
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /tmp/cuda-dbg/12456/session1/elf.1292340.2c438b0.o.cgUqiP
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /tmp/cuda-dbg/12456/session1/elf.1292340.2c43980.o.4diaQ4
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /tmp/cuda-dbg/12456/session1/elf.1292340.2dc9380.o.YYJAr5
任何答案或提示,或建議,可以幫助我解決這個問題非常歡迎! 請注意,我最近纔開始使用cuda-c進行編程,而且我對cuda-gdb也不是很熟悉。我在C代碼中進行的大多數調試都是通過檢查代碼中各個點的輸出來「手動」進行的......
我理解你的論點,你說得對,這些是在主機端分配的。但他們存在的重點是我使用它們來訪問和操縱設備端的內存(指針成員指向設備內存) 所以我想我的下一個問題是如何從設備端分配它們並讓它們他們在全局內存中,以便他們可以被其他內核使用...? 再次感謝您的回覆 – Panagiotis
不只是分配在主機方。殘留變量*駐留在主機內存中。設備無法訪問主機內存。這就是爲什麼你在第1626行發生異常 - 設備試圖取消引用包含主機內存地址的指針。您需要在主機端的設備內存中分配殘差變量。這使得在主機端設置它們的值更加困難。 – dthorpe
(1)計算設備內存的大小3 *(sizeof(manmat)+(sizeof(float)*((n + 2)+(m + 3)+(l + 2)))注意: (2)malloc是一塊主機內存,cudaMalloc是一塊設備內存;(3)爲每個子內存分配投入主機指針,並填充值;當設置manmat .el字段使用一個deviceptr(不是主機指針)。(4)從主機到設備的cudaMemcpy。(5)用deviceptrs填寫manmatvec。如果你的尺寸計算是(n + m + 1 + 6)* 4,總和小於4K,那麼你可以通過參數傳遞所有這一切。 –