2017-08-09 81 views

我有一個GROUPBY創建一個數據框:Python的大熊貓 - 轉換列百分比上GROUPBY DF

hmdf = pd.DataFrame(hm01) 
new_hm01 = hmdf[['FinancialYear','Month','FirstReceivedDate']] 

hm05 = new_hm01.pivot_table(index=['FinancialYear','Month'], aggfunc='count') 
vals1 = ['April ', 'May  ', 'June  ', 'July  ', 'August ', 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ', 'January ', 'February ', 'March '] 

df_hm = new_hm01.groupby(['Month', 'FinancialYear']).size().unstack(fill_value=0).rename(columns=lambda x: '{}'.format(x)) 
df_hml = df_hm.reindex(vals1) 


FinancialYear 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 
April    34   24   22   20 
May     29   26   21   25 
June    19   39   22   20 
July    23   39   18   20 
August    36   30   34   0 
September   35   23   41   0 
October    36   37   27   0 
November   38   31   30   0 
December   36   41   23   0 
January    34   30   35   0 
February   37   26   37   0 
March    36   31   33   0 



FinancialYear  2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 
April     9%   6%   6%   24% 
May      7%   7%   6%   29% 
June     5%   10%   6%   24% 
July     6%   10%   5%   24% 
August     9%   8%   10%   0% 
September    9%   6%   12%   0% 
October     9%   10%   8%   0% 
November    10%   8%   9%   0% 
December    9%   11%   7%   0% 
January     9%   8%   10%   0% 
February    9%   7%   11%   0% 
March     9%   8%   10%   0% 


編輯:我試過在這個鏈接發現的響應:pandas convert columns to percentages of the totals .....我無法讓我的數據框工作+它不能很好地解釋(對我)如何使它適用於任何DF。我相信John Galt的迴應比這個迴應更好(我的觀點)。


的[熊貓轉換列的百分比可能的複製總計](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42006346/pandas-convert-columns-to-percentages-of-the-totals) –


接下來,我無法讓它爲我的數據框工作。因此我的問題。謝謝你,雖然 – ScoutEU




In [1371]: (100. * df/df.sum()).round(0) 
       2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 
April    9.0  6.0  6.0  24.0 
May     7.0  7.0  6.0  29.0 
June     5.0  10.0  6.0  24.0 
July     6.0  10.0  5.0  24.0 
August    9.0  8.0  10.0  0.0 
September   9.0  6.0  12.0  0.0 
October    9.0  10.0  8.0  0.0 
November   10.0  8.0  9.0  0.0 
December    9.0  11.0  7.0  0.0 
January    9.0  8.0  10.0  0.0 
February    9.0  7.0  11.0  0.0 
March    9.0  8.0  10.0  0.0 


In [1375]: (100. * df/df.sum()).round(1).astype(str) + '%' 
       2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 
April    8.7%  6.4%  6.4%  23.5% 
May    7.4%  6.9%  6.1%  29.4% 
June    4.8%  10.3%  6.4%  23.5% 
July    5.9%  10.3%  5.2%  23.5% 
August    9.2%  8.0%  9.9%  0.0% 
September   8.9%  6.1%  12.0%  0.0% 
October   9.2%  9.8%  7.9%  0.0% 
November   9.7%  8.2%  8.7%  0.0% 
December   9.2%  10.9%  6.7%  0.0% 
January   8.7%  8.0%  10.2%  0.0% 
February   9.4%  6.9%  10.8%  0.0% 
March    9.2%  8.2%  9.6%  0.0% 

約翰,這工作非常好!非常感謝你:)...非常感謝不同的解決方案 – ScoutEU