2010-08-11 77 views




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是矩形軸取向? – GManNickG 2010-08-11 21:27:54


這就像我的編輯 – jmasterx 2010-08-11 21:29:01


其頂部,左側,底部,右側 – jmasterx 2010-08-11 21:29:53




1)將線投影到X軸上,產生間隔L x
2)將矩形投影到X軸上,產生間隔R x。 3)如果L x和R x不相交,則直線和矩形不相交。


4)項目行到Y軸,導致間隔L ÿ
6)如果L 和R 不相交,則直線和矩形不相交。



1-3和4-6背後的想法來自separating axis theorem;如果我們找不到分離軸,它們必須相交。 全部這些情況必須經過測試,然後才能斷定它們相交。


#include <iostream> 
#include <utility> 
#include <vector> 

typedef double number; // number type 

struct point 
    number x; 
    number y; 

point make_point(number pX, number pY) 
    point r = {pX, pY}; 
    return r; 

typedef std::pair<number, number> interval; // start, end 
typedef std::pair<point, point> segment; // start, end 
typedef std::pair<point, point> rectangle; // top-left, bottom-right 

namespace classification 
    enum type 
     positive = 1, 
     same = 0, 
     negative = -1 

classification::type classify_point(const point& pPoint, 
            const segment& pSegment) 
    // implicit line equation 
    number x = (pSegment.first.y - pSegment.second.y) * pPoint.x + 
       (pSegment.second.x - pSegment.first.x) * pPoint.y + 
       (pSegment.first.x * pSegment.second.y - 
       pSegment.second.x * pSegment.first.y); 

    // careful with floating point types, should use approximation 
    if (x == 0) 
     return classification::same; 
     return (x > 0) ? classification::positive :classification::negative; 

bool number_interval(number pX, const interval& pInterval) 
    if (pInterval.first < pInterval.second) 
     return pX > pInterval.first && pX < pInterval.second; 
     return pX > pInterval.second && pX < pInterval.first; 

bool inteveral_interval(const interval& pFirst, const interval& pSecond) 
    return number_interval(pFirst.first, pSecond) || 
      number_interval(pFirst.second, pSecond) || 
      number_interval(pSecond.first, pFirst) || 
      number_interval(pSecond.second, pFirst); 

bool segment_rectangle(const segment& pSegment, const rectangle& pRectangle) 
    // project onto x (discard y values) 
    interval segmentX = 
       std::make_pair(pSegment.first.x, pSegment.second.x); 
    interval rectangleX = 
       std::make_pair(pRectangle.first.x, pRectangle.second.x); 

    if (!inteveral_interval(segmentX, rectangleX)) 
     return false; 

    // project onto y (discard x values) 
    interval segmentY = 
       std::make_pair(pSegment.first.y, pSegment.second.y); 
    interval rectangleY = 
       std::make_pair(pRectangle.first.y, pRectangle.second.y); 

    if (!inteveral_interval(segmentY, rectangleY)) 
     return false; 

    // test rectangle location 
    point p0 = make_point(pRectangle.first.x, pRectangle.first.y); 
    point p1 = make_point(pRectangle.second.x, pRectangle.first.y); 
    point p2 = make_point(pRectangle.second.x, pRectangle.second.y); 
    point p3 = make_point(pRectangle.first.x, pRectangle.second.y); 

    classification::type c0 = classify_point(p0, pSegment); 
    classification::type c1 = classify_point(p1, pSegment); 
    classification::type c2 = classify_point(p2, pSegment); 
    classification::type c3 = classify_point(p3, pSegment); 

    // test they all classify the same 
    return !((c0 == c1) && (c1 == c2) && (c2 == c3)); 

int main(void) 
    rectangle r = std::make_pair(make_point(1, 1), make_point(5, 5)); 
    segment s0 = std::make_pair(make_point(0, 3), make_point(2, -3)); 
    segment s1 = std::make_pair(make_point(0, 0), make_point(3, 0)); 
    segment s2 = std::make_pair(make_point(3, 0), make_point(3, 6)); 
    segment s3 = std::make_pair(make_point(2, 3), make_point(9, 8)); 

    std::cout << std::boolalpha; 
    std::cout << segment_rectangle(s0, r) << std::endl; 
    std::cout << segment_rectangle(s1, r) << std::endl; 
    std::cout << segment_rectangle(s2, r) << std::endl; 
    std::cout << segment_rectangle(s3, r) << std::endl; 




// test two points against an edge 
function intersects (side, lower, upper, pt1Perp, pt1Par, pt2Perp, pt2Par) 
    if ((pt1Perp < side and pt2Perp > side) or (pt1Perp > side and pt2Perp < side) 
     intersection = (side - pt1Perp) * (pt2Par - pt1Par)/(pt2Perp - pt1Perp); 
     return (intersection >= lower and intersection <= higher); 
     return false; 

// left, right, bottom, top are the bounds of R 
for pt1, pt2 adjacent in P // don't forget to do last,first 
    if (intersects (left, bottom, top, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y) 
     or intersects (right, bottom, top, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y) 
     or intersects (top, left, right, pt1.y, pt1.x, pt2.y, pt2.x) 
     or intersects (bottom, left, right, pt1.y, pt1.x, pt2.y, pt2.x)) 
     return true; 
