select c.category as [category],c.orderby as [CatOrder], m.masterno, m.master
,-- select OUT (select count(*) from rentalitem ri with (nolock),
rentalitemstatus ris with (nolock),
rentalstatus rs with (nolock)
where ri.rentalitemid = ris.rentalitemid
and ris.rentalstatusid = rs.rentalstatusid
and ri.masterid = m.masterid
and rs.statustype in ('OUT', 'INTRANSIT', 'ONTRUCK')) as [qtyout]
,-- select OWNED owned=
(select top 1 mwq.qty
from masterwhqty mwq
where mwq.masterid = m.masterid)
, -([owned]-[qtyout]) as [Variance]
from master m
inner join category c on c.categoryid=m.categoryid and [email protected]
inner join inventorydepartment d on [email protected]