2015-05-13 8 views

當我的隨機詞出現時,用戶必須記住它並點擊正確的相應圖像。我試圖編寫運行的代碼,如果用戶選擇正確的圖像。我在我的陣列中配對了我的文字和圖像。我只是不確定如何去調用這個函數。如果點擊的圖像等於其匹配的單詞,我該如何調用一個函數? Actionscript3




你如何創建你的圖片?它們只是實例名稱的時間軸上的對象嗎? – BadFeelingAboutThis


您可以詳細瞭解您要完成的任務嗎?所以你有這些圖像,你可以點擊它們。當你點擊一個,發生了什麼?什麼是'listAry'?框架'listpage'發生了什麼? – BadFeelingAboutThis


我的照片是動畫片段。一個隨機的字出現在屏幕上,幾秒鐘後消失,出現9個圖像。用戶必須點擊與該單詞相同的圖像,例如單詞可能是 - 餅乾,當圖片出現時,用戶應點擊餅乾圖像 – user3594463



這是可以做到這一點的一種方法: 見代碼註釋

 basket.visible = false; 

     //------ Home Button ------\\ 
     backhome1btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goback1Click); 

     function goback1Click(event:MouseEvent):void{ 


     var score:int = 0; 

     var items:Array = new Array(); //store all food items in array 
     var wordsToShow:Array = new Array(); //store all words to show in array - this is the array that will keep track of which has been asked (or rather not asked yet) 

     //to reduce redundant code, call this with each food item (below) 
     function initFoodItem(item:MovieClip, word:String):void { 
      item.word = word; //forget the array, just store the word on the image as a dynamic property 
      item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, foodClicked); 
      items.push(item); //add to array 
      wordsToShow.push(item); //add to array 

      item.visible = false; 

     initFoodItem(oc, "Orange Juice"); 
     initFoodItem(sand, "Sandwich"); 
     //...repeat for all other food items 

     //now randmize the words to show array: 
     wordsToShow.sort(function(a,b):int { 
      return(Math.random() > .5) ? 1 : -1; 

     var curAnswer:MovieClip; //a var to store the current correct answer 

     //this does the next question per se 
     function displayWord():void { 
      if(wordsToShow.length < 1){ 
       //they've all been asked 
      curAnswer = wordsToShow.pop(); //assigns the last item in the array to the cur asnwer, and pop also removes that item from the array (so it won't get asked again) 
      randomword.text = curAnswer.word; //assign the text to the word value of this item 

      randomword.visible = true; 
      remember.visible = true; 

     remember.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, readyClick); 
     //when you click your ready button 
     function readyClick(e:MouseEvent):void { 
      //we have an array of all items, let's loop through it and change them all to be visible 
      for (var i:int = 0; i < items.length; i++) { 
       //items[i].alpha = 1; //alpha values are 0 - 1 in AS3 
       items[i].visible = true; //use visible instead of alpha if just toggling visibility, it's more efficient 

      randomword.visible = false; 
      remember.visible = false; 

      bask.visible = true; 
      notepape.visible = false; 

      //! another reason to use visible instead of alpha = 0, is alpha = 0 items will still be clickable! visible = false items cannot be clicked. 

     function foodClicked(e:MouseEvent):void { 
      if (e.currentTarget == curAnswer) { 
       //if the current target (the item clicked) is the same item as what we stored in curAnswer, you answered correctly, so do this: 
       score += 10; //or however much you get for answering correctly 
       gotoAndStop("listpage"); //not sure what this does? 
      }else { 

感謝您的幫助@LDMS :)不幸的是它沒有工作,它沒有顯示隨機單詞,我不能再走了,生病不停地亂搞!乾杯 – user3594463


你需要比「沒有工作」更具體。你有錯誤嗎?你不能複製和粘貼這段代碼,你仍然需要設置你的'randomword'和'remeber'按鈕等。 – BadFeelingAboutThis


現在,除了說'//...repeat for all other items items',你可以用我的代碼代替你的代碼。如果它不起作用,那很可能是因爲你還沒有包括其他東西。例如你的其他框架等。 – BadFeelingAboutThis
