template <class ty>
ty gaussianFilter(const ty& input, double sigma)
// Our filter will be initialized to the same size as our input.
ty filter = ty(input); // Copy constructor.
uword nRows = filter.n_rows;
uword nCols = filter.n_cols;
uword nSlic = filter.n_elem/(nRows*nCols); // If 2D, nSlic == 1.
// Offsets with respect to the middle.
double rowOffset = static_cast<double>(nRows/2);
double colOffset = static_cast<double>(nCols/2);
double sliceOffset = static_cast<double>(nSlic/2);
// Counters.
double x = 0 , y = 0, z = 0;
for (uword rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < nRows; rowIndex++) {
x = static_cast<double>(rowIndex) - rowOffset;
for (uword colIndex = 0; colIndex < nCols; colIndex++) {
y = static_cast<double>(colIndex) - colOffset;
for (uword sliIndex = 0; sliIndex < nSlic; sliIndex++) {
z = static_cast<double>(sliIndex) - sliceOffset;
// If-statement inside for-loop looks terribly inefficient
// but the compiler should take care of this.
if (nSlic == 1){ // If 2D, Gauss filter for 2D.
filter(rowIndex*nCols + colIndex) = ...
{ // Gauss filter for 3D.
filter((rowIndex*nCols + colIndex)*nSlic + sliIndex) = ...
if (nSlic == 1)
{ // Gauss filter for 2D.
for (uword rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < nRows; rowIndex++) {
x = static_cast<double>(rowIndex) - rowOffset;
for (uword colIndex = 0; colIndex < nCols; colIndex++) {
y = static_cast<double>(colIndex) - colOffset;
for (uword sliIndex = 0; sliIndex < nSlic; sliIndex++) {
z = static_cast<double>(sliIndex) - sliceOffset;
{filter(rowIndex*nCols + colIndex) = ...
for (uword rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < nRows; rowIndex++) {
x = static_cast<double>(rowIndex) - rowOffset;
for (uword colIndex = 0; colIndex < nCols; colIndex++) {
y = static_cast<double>(colIndex) - colOffset;
for (uword sliIndex = 0; sliIndex < nSlic; sliIndex++) {
z = static_cast<double>(sliIndex) - sliceOffset;
{filter((rowIndex*nCols + colIndex)*nSlic + sliIndex) = ...
與g++ -O3 -c -o main.o main.cpp
- 66.0453秒
- 64.7701秒
- 64.0148秒
- 63.6808秒
我很困惑你在問什麼。您將if語句移出嵌套循環並驚訝於您的代碼運行速度更快?你期望編譯器將你的第一版代碼轉換爲第二版嗎? – Kevin
我相信,如果'if'語句總會產生相同的結果,編譯器會優化它。我的假設來自[排序與未排序數組](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11227809/why-is-processing-a-sorted-array-faster-than-an-unsorted-array)。我想了解爲什麼不是這種情況,以及何時可以期待這樣的編譯器優化。 – dangom
哦,我明白了。這不是編譯器的工作。處理器處理分支預測。 – Kevin