// Code to load sound from file into char*.
ifstream ifs(WaveSounds::sounds::StartupMusic, ios::binary | ios::ate);
\t // The ios::ate flag sets the filestream
\t // to the end position, so it's already
\t // ata the end when we call 'tellg()'.
\t if (&std::ios::ios_base::good)
\t { \t \t
\t \t int length = ifs.tellg();
\t \t ifs.seekg(0, ifs.beg);
\t \t // Load into the Char * , 'n_StartMusic'.
\t \t n_StartMusic = new char[length];
\t \t ifs.read(n_StartMusic, length);
\t \t ifs.close();
\t }
// Plays sound from thread, causes AccessViolationException.
static void PlaySoundThread()
{ \t \t
\t PlaySound((LPWSTR)WaveSounds::n_CurSound, NULL, SND_MEMORY | SND_ASYNC);
// Method that sets sound to play and starts thread.
void WaveSounds::Play_Sound(char* sound)
{ \t \t
\t n_CurSound = sound;
\t n_hmod = GetModuleHandle(0);
\t Thread^ t = gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(PlaySoundThread));
\t t->IsBackground = true;
\t t->Start(); \t
是的,就是這樣。該文件被加載到類的初始化器中,但是我通過在我調用它的同一個函數中聲明類的實例來測試它,所以它將它加載到堆棧而不是堆中。當我宣佈一個單獨的類的實例,然後嘗試它時,它工作正常。菜鳥的錯誤,因爲我還是C++的新手。謝謝! – netcat 2015-03-19 05:20:00