2014-05-18 60 views


Relation: R[A E P M N S T L] 

A -> EM, 
A -> L, 
M -> ST, 
M -> N, 
S -> T, 
E -> P, 
P -> E, 
L -> A 


-------------- BCNF ALGORITHM ------------ 
1. Take a FD that violates BCNF. 
2. Decompose the FD to two other relations 
3. First relation: The whole FD 
4. Second relation: The rest of the Relation + the left hand side of the chosen FD 
5. Iterate until all the new relations have key on its left hand side 
-------------- BCNF ALGORITHM ------------ 

And I also tried another one that is basically the same, but written in a different way: 
X->Y: R1({X}+), R2(R - {X}+ ; X) (Relation minus {X}+ (XY in this case), plus X. 


我的女人(珍妮弗·威登)是誰寫的我們當然文學學會了這對coursera 顯然,A是關鍵,所以它的文件描述符已經在BCNF。問題是,我可以擦除任何多餘的FD嗎?如果是這樣,拇指規則是什麼?

R1(MST) <-- BCNF. 
R2(A E P M N L) 



1. Take a FD that violates BCNF. 
5. Iterate until all the new relations have key on its left hand side 


如果A是一個關鍵,那麼因爲L-> A,L也是。

MSTNAELP keys A and L plus M->ST, S->T, E<->P 

那些FD來自非密鑰。你選擇了M-> ST。我們得到:

MST key M plus S->T 
MNAELP keys A and L plus E<->P 

兩者都有確定鍵不是來自鍵,因此不在BCNF。選擇S-> T和E-> P。我們得到:

ST key S in BCNF 
SM key M in BCNF 
EP keys P and E in BCNF 
EMNAL keys A and L in BCNF