給定一個圖像,我已經計算了圖像中每個點的深度,我需要在MATLAB中繪製這樣的圖。有人可以建議我如何去做這件事。 Matlab - 從焦點形狀
給定一個圖像,我已經計算了圖像中每個點的深度,我需要在MATLAB中繪製這樣的圖。有人可以建議我如何去做這件事。 Matlab - 從焦點形狀
的網格域來決定。我將假設您關心x軸範圍[x_min, x_max]
和y軸範圍[y_min, y_max]
y_num = size(D,1); % <-- Number of points to use in y-axis grid.
x_num = size(D,2); % <-- Number of points to use in x-axis grid.
x_grid_vals = linspace(x_min,x_max,x_num);
y_grid_vals = linspace(y_min,y_max,y_num);
% Get full coordinate grid for the 3D plot.
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x_grid_vals,y_grid_vals);
% Plot the data.
% The surf() function plots the depth as 3D above the created grid.