The following is an unambiguous grammar for the problem:
stmt → if_stmt | nonif_stmt
if_stmt → matched_if | unmatched_if
matched_if → 'if' logical_expr 'then' matched_stmt 'else' matched_stmt
matched_stmt → mathced_if | nonif_stmt
unmatched_if → 'if' logical_expr 'then' stmt
| 'if' logical_expr 'then' matched_stmt 'else' unmatched_if
logical_expr → id '==' lit
nonif_stmt → assgn_stmt
assgn_stmt → id '=' expr
expr → expr '+' term | term
term → '(' expr ')' | id
id → 'A' | 'B' | 'C'
lit → '0' | '1' | '2'
Consider the following input:
if A == 0 then
if B == 1 then
C = A + B
B = C
Let us do a leftmost derivation for the input:
=> if_stmt
=> unmatched_if
=> 'if' logical_expr 'then' stmt
=> 'if' id '==' lit 'then' stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' lit 'then' stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' if_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' matched_if
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' logical_expr 'then' matched_stmt 'else' matched_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' id '==' lit 'then' matched_stmt 'else' matched_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' lit 'then' matched_stmt 'else' matched_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' matched_stmt 'else' matched_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' nonif_stmt 'else' matched_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' assgn_stmt 'else' matched_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' id '=' expr 'else' matched_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' 'C' '=' expr '+' term 'else' matched_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' 'C' '=' term '+' term 'else' matched_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' 'C' '=' id '+' term 'else' matched_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' 'C' '=' 'A' + term 'else' matched_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' 'C' '=' 'A' + 'B' 'else' matched_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' 'C' '=' 'A' + 'B' 'else' nonif_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' 'C' '=' 'A' + 'B' 'else' assgn_stmt
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' 'C' '=' 'A' + 'B' 'else' id '=' expr
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' 'C' '=' 'A' + 'B' 'else' 'B' '=' expr
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' 'C' '=' 'A' + 'B' 'else' 'B' '=' term
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' 'C' '=' 'A' + 'B' 'else' 'B' '=' id
=> 'if' 'A' '==' '0' 'then' 'if' 'B' '==' '1' 'then' 'C' '=' 'A' + 'B' 'else' 'B' '=' 'C'