2016-03-07 81 views

我使用VHDL創建了我的FSM,現在我想使用端口映射去抖動代碼。 雖然我與協會有困難。事實上,我想在驅動FSM的信號中插入debouncebutton組件。使用帶端口映射的去抖動設計FSM的VHDL

entity myFSM is 
    Port (CLK : in STD_LOGIC; 
      RST : in STD_LOGIC; 
      IN0 : in STD_LOGIC; 
      IN1 : in STD_LOGIC; 
      IN2 : in STD_LOGIC; 
      LED : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0)); 
end myFSM; 

architecture Behavioral of myFSM is 
     type state is (A, B, C); 
     signal currentS, nextS: state; 

     component debouncebutton 
      Port (clk  : in std_logic;  -- connect it to the Clock of the board 
      rst  : in std_logic;  -- connect it to the Reset Button of the board   
      input : in std_logic;  -- connect it to the Push Button of the board 
      output : out std_logic  -- connect it to your circuit 
     end component; 
myFSM_comb: process (currentS, IN0, IN1, IN2) 
    case currentS is 
     when A => LED <= "11111111"; 
         if IN0 = '1' then nextS<=B; 
         elsif IN1 = '1' then nextS<=C; 
         else   nextS<=A; 
         end if; 
     when B => LED <= "11000011"; 
         if IN0 = '1' then nextS<=C; 
         elsif IN1 = '1' then nextS<=A; 
         else nextS<=B; 
         end if; 
     when C => LED <= "00111100"; 
         if IN0 = '1' then nextS<=A; 
         elsif IN1 = '1' then nextS<=B; 
         else nextS<=C; 
         end if; 
    end case; 
end process; 

myFSM_synch: process(CLK,RST) 
    if (RST='1')  then currentS<=A; 
    elsif (rising_edge(CLK)) then currentS<= nextS; 
    end if; 
end process ; 


db0 : debounce 
port map 
    clk => CLK, 
    rst => RST, 
    input => IN0, 
end Behavioral; 




library ieee; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

entity myFSM is 
    Port (CLK : in STD_LOGIC; 
      RST : in STD_LOGIC; 
      INP0 : in STD_LOGIC; -- name changed 
      IN1 : in STD_LOGIC; 
      IN2 : in STD_LOGIC; 
      LED : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0)); 
end myFSM; 

architecture Behavioral of myFSM is 
     type state is (A, B, C); 
     signal currentS, nextS: state; 

     component debouncebutton 
      Port (clk  : in std_logic;  -- connect it to the Clock of the board 
      rst  : in std_logic;  -- connect it to the Reset Button of the board   
      input : in std_logic;  -- connect it to the Push Button of the board 
      output : out std_logic  -- connect it to your circuit 
     end component; 

     signal IN0: std_logic; --- added 
myFSM_comb: process (currentS, IN0, IN1, IN2) 
    case currentS is 
     when A => LED <= "11111111"; 
         if IN0 = '1' then nextS<=B; 
         elsif IN1 = '1' then nextS<=C; 
         else   nextS<=A; 
         end if; 
     when B => LED <= "11000011"; 
         if IN0 = '1' then nextS<=C; 
         elsif IN1 = '1' then nextS<=A; 
         else nextS<=B; 
         end if; 
     when C => LED <= "00111100"; 
         if IN0 = '1' then nextS<=A; 
         elsif IN1 = '1' then nextS<=B; 
         else nextS<=C; 
         end if; 
    end case; 
end process; 

myFSM_synch: process(CLK,RST) 
    if (RST='1')  then currentS<=A; 
    elsif (rising_edge(CLK)) then currentS<= nextS; 
    end if; 
end process ; 

-- begin -- syntax error you have a begin before process myFSB_comb 

db0 : debouncebutton --- was debounce, needs to match component declaration 
port map (
     clk => CLK, 
     rst => RST, 
     input => INP0, -- renamed input port 
     output=> IN0 -- newly declared signal INO 

end Behavioral; 





我會爲IN1和IN2做同樣的事情嗎? –


對。我可以看到兩者,但是試圖保持忠實於你的代碼(否則重新格式化'風格'的誘惑可能會很大)。 – user1155120