2015-12-06 80 views



    MS_EmployeeID MS_Semel MS_Month MS_Amount 
    22222    9   1   4000 
    22222    9   2   4000 
    22222    9   3   4000 
    22222    9   4   5000 
    22222    9   5   5000 
    22222    9   6   3000 
    22222    9   7   2000 
    22222    9   8   5000 


    MSV_EntitledIdNumber MSV_PaymentAmount MSV_Month 
    22222      3000    1 
    22222      3000    2 
    22222      4000    3 
    22222      5000    4 
    22222      6000    6 
    22222      7000    7 
    22222      2000    8 
    22222      5000    9 


MSV_EntitledIdNumber MS_Semel Jan_MSV Jan_SML .... Aug_MSV Aug_SML 
22222      9  3000  4000   5000 5000 


    distinct [MSV_EntitledIdNumber], 
    sum(case when [MSV_Month] in (1) then [MSV_PaymentAmount] else 0 end) as JanMSV, 
    sum(case when [MS_Month] in (1) then [MS_Amount] else 0 end) as JanSML, 
    sum(case when [MSV_Month] in (2) then [MSV_PaymentAmount] else 0 end) as FebMSV, 
    sum(case when [MS_Month] in (2) then [MS_Amount] else 0 end) as FebSML, 
    sum(case when [MSV_Month] in (3) then [MSV_PaymentAmount] else 0 end) as MarMSV, 
    sum(case when [MS_Month] in (3) then [MS_Amount] else 0 end) as MarSML, 
    sum(case when [MSV_Month] in (4) then [MSV_PaymentAmount] else 0 end) as AprMSV, 
    sum(case when [MS_Month] in (4) then [MS_Amount] else 0 end) as AprSML, 
    sum(case when [MSV_Month] in (5) then [MSV_PaymentAmount] else 0 end) as MayMSV, 
    sum(case when [MS_Month] in (5) then [MS_Amount] else 0 end) as MaySML, 
    sum(case when [MSV_Month] in (6) then [MSV_PaymentAmount] else 0 end) as JunMSV, 
    sum(case when [MS_Month] in (6) then [MS_Amount] else 0 end) as JunSML, 
    sum(case when [MSV_Month] in (7) then [MSV_PaymentAmount] else 0 end) as JulMSV, 
    sum(case when [MS_Month] in (7) then [MS_Amount] else 0 end) as JulSML, 
    sum(case when [MSV_Month] in (8) then [MSV_PaymentAmount] else 0 end) as AugMSV, 
    sum(case when [MS_Month] in (8) then [MS_Amount] else 0 end) as AugSML, 
    sum(case when [MSV_Month] between 1 and 8 then [MSV_PaymentAmount] else 0 end) as TotalMSV, 
    sum(case when [MS_Month] between 1 and 8 then [MS_Amount] else 0 end) as TotalSML, 
    sum(case when [MSV_Month] between 1 and 8 then [MSV_PaymentAmount] else 0 end) - 
    sum(case when [MS_Month] between 1 and 8 then [MS_Amount] else 0 end) as Delta 
from [dbo].[MSVTransaction] as msv 
inner join [dbo].[MonthlySalary] as SmlTbl on SmlTbl.MS_EmployeeID = 
[MS_Semel] = '9' 
and msv.[MSV_EntitledIdNumber] in (select distinct [MS_EmployeeID] from 
group by [MSV_EntitledIdNumber],[MS_Semel] 





select . . . 
from [dbo].[MSVTransaction] msv left join 
    [dbo].[MonthlySalary] SmlTbl 
    on SmlTbl.MS_EmployeeID = msv.MSV_EntitledIdNumber and 
     smltbl.ms_month = msv.msv_month 
     [MS_Semel] = '9' 
group by msv.[MSV_EntitledIdNumber], [MS_Semel] 

謝謝。那工作! – Jordan1200
