id | Area
A one
A two
A one
B one
B one
C one
C two
D one
D one
D two
D three
我想根據現有數據框中的值創建一個新的數據框。首先,我想在df中找到總共不同的id。防爆。 ID A有3個條目,B有2個條目等,然後創建一個新的數據框。
id | count
A 3
B 2
C 2
D 4
接下來,我想基於在DF [「區」]值來創建一個新列,在這個例子中,DF [」區域']包含3個不同的值(一,二,三)。我想統計某個ID在哪個區域中的次數。例如,ID A已經在區域一中兩次,一次在區域二中,在三區域中爲零。然後,我會將這些值附加到一個稱爲1,2和3的新列中。
id | count | one | two | three
A 3 2 1 0
B 2 2 0 0
C 2 1 1 0
D 4 2 1 1
#Read the data
df = pd.read_csv('test_data.csv', sep = ',')
df.columns = ['id', 'Area'] #Rename
# Count a total number of Area by Id
df_new = pd.DataFrame({'count' : df.groupby("id")["Area"].count()})
# Reset index
df_new = df_new.reset_index()
#For loop for counting and creating a new column for areas in df['Area']
for i in xrange(0, len(df)):
#Get the id
idx = df['id'][i]
#Get the areaname
area_name = str(df["Area"][i])
#Retrieve the index of a particular id
current_index = df_new.loc[df_new['id'] == idx, ].index[0]
#If area name exists in a column
if area_name in df_new.columns:
#Then +1 at the Location of the idx (Index)
df_new[area_name][current_index] += 1
#If not exists in the columns
elif area_name not in df_new.columns:
#Create an empty one with zeros
df_new[area_name] = 0
#Then +1 at the location of the idx (Index)
df_new[area_name][current_index] += 1
哦哇,真是太棒了。謝謝,我會在7分鐘內提供您的答案。 –
還有一個問題,是否可以使用交叉表生成二進制數而不是計數?取而代之的是,如果某個ID已經去過那個區域,那麼只有1,而某個ID的0從來沒有去過那裏? –
@ Niche.P好的,我明白了。它是:'pd.crosstab(df.id,df.Area).astype(bool).astype(int)' –