我希望對以下問題有所幫助/指導,我正在努力解決這個問題。 如果您對重新提出問題有任何建議,請留下評論,我會繼續並改變它。從任意節點到另一個節點找到最短路徑(長度和實際路徑)的遞歸和動態規劃算法
取加權有向無環圖。 (a)找到從節點x到節點t的最短路徑的遞歸算法(算法應該嘗試所有出邊並決定繼續進行)。
I was thinking something along the lines of breadth first search?
Maybe, another way, a recursive form of dijkstras? However, I'm having
difficulty thinking of a recursive way to do this.
The difference here would obviously be that it is iterative. I'm also
guessing we would have to keep track of the length of the path/the
path itself (the nodes) in an array, and refer to it as we iterate.
謝謝你的回答!你能否深入瞭解一下它的工作原理? –
如果存在從A到C的路徑,以便該路徑上有兩條邊一起加權4,並且從A到C的路有一條路徑,使得它的權重爲8.該算法如何決定採用權重的2個邊4而不是重量8的1邊緣? –
@RonaldDonald這是'min {}'的用途。它以最小的成本選擇路徑。 – amit