2011-10-27 68 views

我正在尋找一個教程,指導或軟件,可以生成簡單的POCO的一些SQL Server表在ASP.NET MVC中使用。事情是這樣的:簡單的T4代爲簡單的POCO

1)保持在應有POCO的SQL Server數據庫中的表名的列表產生




public class MyDto 
    public int Id { get; set; } 
    public string Name { get; set; } 
    public bool? IsMale {get; set;} 







基本上你應該可以將它粘貼到TT文件中(參見Oleg Sychs blog關於如何入門),更新連接字符串並保存以執行模板。


<#@ template language = "C#"       #> 
    <#@ assembly name  = "Microsoft.CSharp"    #> 
    <#@ assembly name  = "System.Core"     #> 
    <#@ assembly name  = "System.Data"     #> 
    <#@ import  namespace = "System.Collections.Generic" #> 
    <#@ import  namespace = "System.Dynamic"    #> 
    <#@ import  namespace = "System.Linq"     #> 
    <#@ import  namespace = "System.Data.SqlClient"  #> 

    var namespaceName = "Poco2"; 
    // Update the connection string to something appropriate 
    var connectionString = @"Data Source=localhost\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=MyTest;Integrated Security=True"; 

    using (var db = new SqlConnection (connectionString)) 
    using (var cmd = db.CreateCommand()) 
     var tables    = ReadRows (cmd, "SELECT * FROM sys.tables").ToArray(); 

     var columns    = ReadRows (cmd, "SELECT * FROM sys.columns").ToLookup (k => k.object_id); 

     var indexes    = ReadRows (cmd, "SELECT * FROM sys.indexes").ToLookup (k => k.object_id); 
     var indexColumns  = ReadRows (cmd, "SELECT * FROM sys.index_columns").ToLookup (k => k.object_id); 

     var foreignKeys   = ReadRows (cmd, "SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys").ToArray(); 
     var foreignKeyColumns = ReadRows (cmd, "SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_key_columns").ToArray(); 
    namespace <#=namespaceName#> 
    using System; 
    using System.Data.Linq.Mapping; 

     foreach (var table in tables) 
    partial class <#=table.name#> 
      IEnumerable<dynamic> tc = columns[table.object_id]; 
      var tableColumns = tc.OrderBy (r => r.column_id).ToArray();   

      IEnumerable<dynamic> ti = indexes[table.object_id]; 
      var tableIndexes = ti.ToArray();   

      var primaryKeyIndex = tableIndexes.FirstOrDefault (i => i.is_primary_key); 
      var primaryKeyColumns = new Dictionary<dynamic, dynamic>(); 
      if (primaryKeyIndex != null) 
       IEnumerable<dynamic> pc = indexColumns[table.object_id]; 
       primaryKeyColumns = pc 
       .Where (c => c.index_id == primaryKeyIndex.index_id) 
       .ToDictionary (c => c.column_id, c => c.key_ordinal) 

      foreach (var tableColumn in tableColumns) 
       var type = MapToType (tableColumn.user_type_id, tableColumn.max_length, tableColumn.is_nullable); 

     [Column (IsPrimaryKey = <#=primaryKeyColumns.ContainsKey (tableColumn.column_id) ? "true" : "false"#>)] 
     public <#=type#> <#=tableColumn.name#> {get;set;} 




    struct DataType 
     public readonly int  SizeOf; 
     public readonly string SingularType; 
     public readonly string PluralType; 

     public DataType (
      int sizeOf, 
      string singularType, 
      string pluralType = null 
      SizeOf   = sizeOf; 
      SingularType = singularType; 
      PluralType  = pluralType ?? (singularType + "[]"); 

    static Dictionary<int, DataType> dataTypes = new Dictionary<int, DataType> 
      {61 , new DataType (8, "DateTime"   )}, 
      {127 , new DataType (8, "long"    )}, 
      {165 , new DataType (1, "byte"    )}, 
      {231 , new DataType (2, "char" , "string")}, 

    static string MapToType (int typeId, int maxLength, bool isNullable) 
     DataType dataType; 

     if (dataTypes.TryGetValue (typeId, out dataType)) 
      var length = maxLength > 0 ? (maxLength/dataType.SizeOf) : int.MaxValue; 
      if (length > 1) 
       return dataType.PluralType; 
       return dataType.SingularType + (isNullable ? "?" : ""); 
      return "UnknownType_"+ typeId; 

    static IEnumerable<dynamic> ReadRows (SqlCommand command, string sql) 
     command.CommandText = sql ?? ""; 

     using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) 
      while (reader.Read()) 
       var dyn = new ExpandoObject(); 
       IDictionary<string, object> dic = dyn; 

       for (var iter = 0; iter < reader.FieldCount; ++iter) 
        dic[reader.GetName(iter) ?? ""] = reader.GetValue(iter); 

       yield return dyn; 



我添加了我需要的缺失數據類型後爲我工作。謝謝。 – kampsj



Oleg Sych在his blog上提供了大量有關使用T4的博客文章,並且維護一個庫來幫助T4代,T4 Toolbox。我在開發過程中嚴重依賴兩者。

對於T4模板中的數據庫模式發現,我使用了SQL Server Management Objects

我在Visual Studio中運行我的T4模板。


您可以在亞音速3(在Visual Studio中運行)中使用classes.tt模板(在linqtemplates中,加上SQLServer.ttinclude)。 http://subsonicproject.com/ 生成的屬性具有支持變量和一些額外的行以支持INotifyPropertyChanging和INotifyPropertyChanged,但您可以編輯模板以取出這些行。


public partial class Order 
    public int OrderID { get; set; } 
    public string CustomerID { get; set; } 
    public int? EmployeeID { get; set; } 
    public DateTime? OrderDate { get; set; } 
    public DateTime? RequiredDate { get; set; } 
    public DateTime? ShippedDate { get; set; } 
    public int? ShipVia { get; set; } 
    public decimal? Freight { get; set; } 
    public string ShipName { get; set; } 
    public string ShipAddress { get; set; } 
    public string ShipCity { get; set; } 
    public string ShipRegion { get; set; } 
    public string ShipPostalCode { get; set; } 
    public string ShipCountry { get; set; } 

<#@ template language="C#" debug="False" hostspecific="True" #> 
<#@ output extension=".cs" #> 
<#@ include file="SQLServer.ttinclude" #> 
    var tables = LoadTables(); 
using System; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Linq; 

namespace <#=Namespace#> 

<# foreach(Table tbl in tables){#>  

    /// <summary> 
    /// A class which represents the <#=tbl.Name#> table in the <#=DatabaseName#> Database. 
    /// This class is queryable through <#=DatabaseName#>DB.<#=tbl.ClassName#> 
    /// </summary> 

    public partial class <#=tbl.ClassName#> 
     #region Properties 

<#  foreach(var col in tbl.Columns){ 
      if (tbl.ClassName == col.CleanName) 
       col.CleanName += "X"; 
     public <#=col.SysType#><#=CheckNullable(col)#> <#=col.CleanName#> { get; set; } 
<#  }#> 




St4bby在github上。開源。 T4。很容易閱讀和操作,如你所願。