;with temp as (Select distinct flow.pid, flow.labdate as obsdate, flow.labvalue as obsvalue
From labstable as flow
Where flow.name = 'lab name'
Select distinct p.patientid, MAX(temp.obsdate) [Last Reading], COUNT(temp.obsdate) [Number of Readings],
When count(temp.obsdate) > 2 then 'Active'Else 'Inactive' End [Status], facility.NAME [Facility]
From Patientrecord as p
Join temp on temp.pid = p.PId
Join (Select loc.name, MAX(a.apptstart)[Last appt], a.patientid
From Appointmentstable as a
Join Facility as loc on loc.facilityid = a.FacilityId
Where a.ApptStart = (Select MAX(appointments.apptstart) from Appointments where appointments.patinetId = a.patientid)
Group by loc.NAME, a.patientId
) facility on facility.patientId = p.PatientId
Group by p.PatientId, facility.NAME
Having MAX(temp.obsdate) between DATEADD(yyyy, -1, GETDATE()) and GETDATE()
Order by [Last Reading] asc
我這個問題是,如果病人已經超過一個設施內在時間範圍內,子查詢將選擇每個設施加入連接,通過apprx 4000誇大結果。我需要找到一種方法,只從約會列表中選擇最新的設施,然後將其加入實驗室。實驗室沒有訪問ID(這會有很大意義)。我相當有信心,我在我的子查詢選擇或相應的加入中失去了一些東西,但在四天後,我認爲我需要專業幫助。
嘗試使用'row_number' - http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/ms186734.aspx – podiluska
更新:數據庫出現過濾錯誤,查詢現在每個用戶都返回一個設施。不確定是否適合更新或刪除,但是此查詢現在可以正常工作。 – user3629815