2013-02-08 37 views

我正在製作使用XNA 4.0和c#的遊戲。 我只是做了我的相機課,除了一件事外,它幾乎按預期工作。 我可以用我的鼠標移動旋轉相機,但問題是,當我到達屏幕邊框時,鼠標停止,相機移動也會停止。允許鼠標指針超出屏幕邊界


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; 
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio; 
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; 
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices; 
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; 
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; 
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media; 

public class ArcBallCamera 
    private float speeder = 100; 
    public ArcBallCamera(float aspectRation, Vector3 lookAt) 
     : this(aspectRation, MathHelper.PiOver4, lookAt, Vector3.Up, 0.1f, float.MaxValue) { } 

    public ArcBallCamera(float aspectRatio, float fieldOfView, Vector3 lookAt, Vector3 up, float nearPlane, float farPlane) 
     this.aspectRatio = aspectRatio; 
     this.fieldOfView = fieldOfView; 
     this.lookAt = lookAt; 
     this.nearPlane = nearPlane; 
     this.farPlane = farPlane; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Recreates our view matrix, then signals that the view matrix 
    /// is clean. 
    /// </summary> 
    public void ReCreateViewMatrix() 

     //Calculate the relative position of the camera       
     position = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Backward, Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, 0)); 
     //Convert the relative position to the absolute position 
     position *= zoom; 
     position += lookAt; 

     //Calculate a new viewmatrix 
     viewMatrix = Matrix.CreateLookAt(position, lookAt, Vector3.Up); 
     viewMatrixDirty = false; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Recreates our projection matrix, then signals that the projection 
    /// matrix is clean. 
    /// </summary> 
    public void ReCreateProjectionMatrix() 
     projectionMatrix = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(fieldOfView, AspectRatio, nearPlane, farPlane); 
     projectionMatrixDirty = false; 

    #region HelperMethods 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Moves the camera and lookAt at to the right, 
    /// as seen from the camera, while keeping the same height 
    /// </summary>   
    public void MoveCameraRight(float amount) 
     Vector3 right = Vector3.Normalize(LookAt - Position); //calculate forward 
     right = Vector3.Cross(right, Vector3.Up); //calculate the real right 
     //right.Y = 0; 
     LookAt += right * amount; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Moves the camera and lookAt forward, 
    /// as seen from the camera, while keeping the same height 
    /// </summary>   
    public void MoveCameraForward(float amount) 
     Vector3 forward = Vector3.Normalize(LookAt - Position); 
     // forward.Y = 0; 
     LookAt += forward * amount; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Moves the camera and lookAt up or down, 
    /// LOL 
    /// </summary>   
    public void MoveCameraUp(float amount) 
     Vector3 up = Vector3.Normalize(LookAt - position); 
     up = Vector3.Cross(up, Vector3.Left); //Calculate the REAL FUCKING UP/DOWN 
     up.X = 0; 
     up.Z = 0; 
     LookAt += up * amount; 


    #region FieldsAndProperties 
    //We don't need an update method because the camera only needs updating 
    //when we change one of it's parameters. 
    //We keep track if one of our matrices is dirty 
    //and reacalculate that matrix when it is accesed. 
    private bool viewMatrixDirty = true; 
    private bool projectionMatrixDirty = true; 

    public float MinPitch = -MathHelper.PiOver2 + 0.3f; 
    public float MaxPitch = MathHelper.PiOver2 - 0.3f; 

    private float pitch; 
    public float Pitch 
     get { return pitch; } 
      viewMatrixDirty = true; 
      pitch = MathHelper.Clamp(value, MinPitch, MaxPitch); 

    private float yaw; 
    public float Yaw 
     get { return yaw; } 
      viewMatrixDirty = true; 
      yaw = value; 

    private float fieldOfView; 
    public float FieldOfView 
     get { return fieldOfView; } 
      projectionMatrixDirty = true; 
      fieldOfView = value; 

    private float aspectRatio; 
    public float AspectRatio 
     get { return aspectRatio; } 
      projectionMatrixDirty = true; 
      aspectRatio = value; 

    private float nearPlane; 
    public float NearPlane 
     get { return nearPlane; } 
      projectionMatrixDirty = true; 
      nearPlane = value; 

    private float farPlane; 
    public float FarPlane 
     get { return farPlane; } 
      projectionMatrixDirty = true; 
      farPlane = value; 

    public float MinZoom = 1; 
    public float MaxZoom = float.MaxValue; 
    private float zoom = 1; 
    public float Zoom 
     get { return zoom; } 
      viewMatrixDirty = true; 
      zoom = MathHelper.Clamp(value, MinZoom, MaxZoom); 

    private Vector3 position; 
    public Vector3 Position 
      if (viewMatrixDirty) 
      return position; 

    private Vector3 lookAt; 
    public Vector3 LookAt 
     get { return lookAt; } 
      viewMatrixDirty = true; 
      lookAt = value; 

    #region ICamera Members 
    public Matrix ViewProjectionMatrix 
     get { return ViewMatrix * ProjectionMatrix; } 

    private Matrix viewMatrix; 
    public Matrix ViewMatrix 
      if (viewMatrixDirty) 
      return viewMatrix; 

    private Matrix projectionMatrix; 
    public Matrix ProjectionMatrix 
      if (projectionMatrixDirty) 
      return projectionMatrix; 




可以爲每一幀重新set the mouse position


// Center of the window 
var resetPosition = new Point(WindowWidth/2, WindowHeight/2); 

// Get the movement since the last frame 
var mouseState = Mouse.GetState(); 
var mousePosition = new Point(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y); 
var delta = mousePosition - resetPosition; 

// Reset the mouse position 
Mouse.SetPosition(resetPosition.X, resetPosition.Y); 

// Use the delta 

但鼠標將停留在屏幕上,這將使它不可能環顧四周的中間? – user2055659 2013-02-08 20:14:10


您需要在*重置之前獲取鼠標位置*。我延長了我的回答。 – Lucius 2013-02-08 20:25:53