2015-01-07 62 views


接收頭 - >解密 - > recv的字節,直到頭長度達到 - >解密報文的其餘部分 - >發送到處理程序 - >解碼包 - >根據需要處理 - >發送響應


struct pkt_header { 
    uint16_t length; 
    uint16_t type; 
    uint32_t flags; 


// client->recv_buffer is of type u_char[1024] 
header = (pkt_header*) client->recv_buffer; 

if (client->recv_size < header->length) { 
    // Recv some more 
// Decrypt and so on 


不知道自己能做什麼,我寫了這個功能從任意結構去 - > []字節:

// Serializes the fields of a struct to an array of bytes in the order in which the fields are 
// declared. Calls panic() if data is not a struct or pointer to struct. 
func StructToBytes(data interface{}) []byte { 
    val := reflect.ValueOf(data) 
    valKind := val.Kind() 
    if valKind == reflect.Ptr { 
     val = reflect.ValueOf(data).Elem() 
     valKind = val.Kind() 

    if valKind != reflect.Struct { 
     panic("data must of type struct or struct ptr, got: " + valKind.String()) 

    bytes := new(bytes.Buffer) 
    for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ { 
     field := val.Field(i) 

     switch kind := field.Kind(); kind { 
     case reflect.Struct: 
      binary.Write(bytes, binary.LittleEndian, StructToBytes(field.Interface())) 
     case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: 
      binary.Write(bytes, binary.LittleEndian, field.Interface()) 
     case reflect.Uint8: 
      binary.Write(bytes, binary.LittleEndian, uint8(field.Uint())) 
     case reflect.Uint16: 
      binary.Write(bytes, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(field.Uint())) 
     // You get the idea 
    return bytes.Bytes() 


type Header struct { 
    length uint16 
    size uint16 
    flags uint32 
newHeader := new(Header) 
// Initialization, etc 
client.Conn.Write(StructToBytes(newHeader)) // ex. [C8 00 03 00 00 00 01 00] 

由於一個Go新手,關於如何更高效地實現這一點的反饋非常值得歡迎。到目前爲止,它運行良好,但現在我面臨着如何做相反的挑戰:從[] byte-> Struct(例如,[C8 00 03 00 00 01 00 00])轉到Header {長度= C8,大小= 03,標誌= 0100}






package main 

import (

type Header struct { 
    Length uint16 
    Size uint16 
    Flags uint32 

func main() { 
    header := &Header{Length: 0xC8, Size: 3, Flags: 0x100} 
    fmt.Printf("in = %#v\n", header) 
    buf := new(bytes.Buffer) 

    err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, header) 
    if err != nil { 
     log.Fatalf("binary.Write failed: %v", err) 
    b := buf.Bytes() 
    fmt.Printf("wire = % x\n", b) 

    var header2 Header 
    buf2 := bytes.NewReader(b) 
    err = binary.Read(buf2, binary.LittleEndian, &header2) 
    if err != nil { 
     log.Fatalf("binary.Read failed: %v", err) 
    fmt.Printf("out = %#v\n", header2) 


in = &main.Header{Length:0xc8, Size:0x3, Flags:0x100} 
wire = c8 00 03 00 00 01 00 00 
out = main.Header{Length:0xc8, Size:0x3, Flags:0x100} 

非常好,謝謝!在我去之前我應該​​問過,並寫下了自己的功能。至少有趣的是...... – drodman