2014-08-29 95 views

好,那麼子類的每個實例,也就是擴展了Tetrimino的J_Tetrimino類,都會得到它自己的int [] [] UP和String方向?父級抽象類中的變量是否由子類繼承?

public abstract class Tetrimino { 

// [row][col] 

/*The size of the area a tetrimino needs*/ 
protected final int TETRIMINO_SPACE_SIZE = 3; 

/*The upwards and initial orientation of the J tetrimino*/ 
protected int[][] UP; 

/*The left and second orientation of the J tetrimino*/ 
protected int[][] LEFT; 

/*The down and third orientation of the J tetrimino*/ 
protected int[][] DOWN; 

/*The right and fourth orientation of the J tetrimino*/ 
protected int[][] RIGHT; 

protected String orientation = "UP"; 

public String getCurrentOrientation() { 
    return orientation; 





感謝這正是我想知道的! – 2014-08-29 03:20:38