2013-03-19 55 views




using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 

namespace Test 
    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      var compare1 = 3; 
      var foo1 = new Foo { Value = "2", OperatorType = OperatorTypes.GreaterOrEqual, ValueType = ValueTypes.Long }; 
      //compare compare1 and foo1.Value, output should be false (2 < 3) 

      var compare2 = true; 
      var foo2 = new Foo { Value = "True", OperatorType = OperatorTypes.Equal, ValueType = ValueTypes.Bool }; 
      //compare compare2 and foo2.Value, output should be true (true = true) 

      var compare3 = DateTime.Parse("2013-03-19 15:00"); 
      var foo3 = new Foo { Value = "2013-03-19 16:00", OperatorType = OperatorTypes.Less, ValueType = ValueTypes.Date }; 
      //compare compare3 and foo3.Value, output should be false (2013-03-19 16:00 < 2013-03-19 15:00) 

    public enum OperatorTypes : uint 
     Equal = 1, 
     Greater = 2, 
     GreaterOrEqual = 3, 
     Less = 4, 
     LessOrEqual = 5 

    public enum ValueTypes : uint 
     None = 0, 
     Integer = 1, 
     Long = 2, 
     Numeric = 3, 
     Date = 4, 
     Text = 5, 
     Bool = 6 

    class Foo 
     public string Value { get; set; } 
     public ValueTypes ValueType { get; set; } 
     public OperatorTypes OperatorType { get; set; } 

這是什麼問題?到**編輯**是的,你可以編寫這樣的功能。你有什麼嘗試? – sehe 2013-03-19 11:35:12


@sehe對不起,我更新了我的問題。我想知道是否可以有一個通用函數,傳遞CompareValue,Value,ValueType,OperatorType並返回true/false。 – James 2013-03-19 11:37:58


@sehe,我試着用新的比較器,但它是一個基類沒有實現。我嘗試基於ValueType的Convert.ChangeType,但它仍然錯過了比較的最後一步。 – James 2013-03-19 11:48:29




using System; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 

namespace Test 
    class Program 
     public static dynamic CompareVal(Foo logic) 
       case ValueTypes.Integer: return Convert.ToInt32(logic.Value); 
       case ValueTypes.Long: return Convert.ToInt64(logic.Value); 
       case ValueTypes.Numeric: return Convert.ToDecimal(logic.Value); 
       case ValueTypes.Date: return Convert.ToDateTime(logic.Value); 
       case ValueTypes.Text: return logic.Value; 
       case ValueTypes.Bool: return Convert.ToBoolean(logic.Value); 
      throw new InvalidProgramException("Unsupported ValueType"); 

     public static bool Evaluate(dynamic val, Foo logic) 
      dynamic cmpval = CompareVal(logic); 

       case OperatorTypes.Equal:   return val == cmpval; 
       case OperatorTypes.Greater:  return val > cmpval; 
       case OperatorTypes.GreaterOrEqual: return val >= cmpval; 
       case OperatorTypes.Less:   return val < cmpval; 
       case OperatorTypes.LessOrEqual: return val <= cmpval; 

      return false; 

     static void Main(string[] args) 
      //compare compare1 and foo1.Value, output should be false (2 < 3) 
      Debug.Assert(false == Evaluate(3, new Foo 
          Value = "2", 
          OperatorType = OperatorTypes.GreaterOrEqual, 
          ValueType = ValueTypes.Long 

      //compare compare2 and foo2.Value, output should be true (true = true) 
      Debug.Assert(true == Evaluate(true, new Foo 
          Value = "True", 
          OperatorType = OperatorTypes.Equal, 
          ValueType = ValueTypes.Bool 

      //compare compare3 and foo3.Value, output should be false (2013-03-19 16:00 < 2013-03-19 15:00) 
      Debug.Assert(false == Evaluate(DateTime.Parse("2013-03-19 15:00"), new Foo 
          Value = "2013-03-19 16:00", 
          OperatorType = OperatorTypes.Less, 
          ValueType = ValueTypes.Date 

    public enum OperatorTypes : uint 
     Equal = 1, 
     Greater = 2, 
     GreaterOrEqual = 3, 
     Less = 4, 
     LessOrEqual = 5 

    public enum ValueTypes : uint 
     None = 0, 
     Integer = 1, 
     Long = 2, 
     Numeric = 3, 
     Date = 4, 
     Text = 5, 
     Bool = 6 

    class Foo 
     public string Value { get; set; } 
     public ValueTypes ValueType { get; set; } 
     public OperatorTypes OperatorType { get; set; } 



我得到了RuntimeBinderException:運算符'> ='不能應用於'int'和'object'類型的操作數,這與我今天面臨的情況類似,因爲對象無法與值類型進行比較。 – James 2013-03-19 11:57:45


啊哈。那麼最好讓它動態。編輯。 – sehe 2013-03-19 11:58:40


對,它現在起作用,它有點邪惡,因爲它利用動態,但足夠整齊,並完成工作。 – James 2013-03-19 12:01:56

class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     Console.WriteLine(Compare<double>("123.1", 125.3, (a, b) => a > b)); 
     Console.WriteLine(Compare<DateTime>("19/03/2013", DateTime.Now, (a, b) => a == b)); 

    private static bool Compare<T>(string valueAsString, T valueToComapare, Func<T,T,bool> check) 
     var asObject = (T)Convert.ChangeType(valueAsString, typeof(T)); 

     if (asObject != null) 
      return check(asObject, valueToComapare); 

     return false; 

不錯,我不知道'Convert.ChangeType'存在。 – sehe 2013-03-19 12:07:49


@sehe,這正是我使用但無法實現的功能.... – James 2013-03-19 12:26:22


@Yaugen Vlasau,你的代碼毫無疑問的工作,但它不是泛化,以驗證對ValueType。附加代碼是必需的。 – James 2013-03-19 12:33:52