我已經在VSTO中創建了一個項目作爲加載項。當我通過在Excel中按下按鈕來運行代碼時,Visual Studo給了我一個「COMExeption未被用戶代碼處理」並且它高亮顯示了最後一行,我嘗試調整其大小並輸出範圍。
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveSheet
Dim inputrange As Excel.Range
'Dim cell As Excel.Range
Dim numberOfOutputRows As Long
Dim numberOfOutPutColumns As Long
Dim outputRange As Excel.Range
Dim inputArray(0, 0) As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim iRow As Long
Dim iCol As Long
Dim numberOfCells As Long
Dim arrayInputValue As Excel.Range
Dim val As Object
inputrange = CType(sheet.Application.InputBox("select range",,,,,,, Type:=8), Excel.Range)
'Dim myRange As Excel.Range
numberOfOutputRows = InputBox("You have " & inputrange.Count & " cells. Enter the number of rows you want to split up in")
numberOfOutPutColumns = inputrange.Cells.Count/numberOfOutputRows
outputRange = CType(sheet.Application.InputBox("Output to single cell",,,,,,, Type:=8), Excel.Range)
inputrange = inputrange.Columns(1)
ReDim inputArray(0 To numberOfOutputRows, 0 To numberOfOutPutColumns + 1)
numberOfCells = inputrange.Cells.Count - 1
For i = 0 To numberOfCells
arrayInputValue = CType(inputrange.Cells(i + 1), Excel.Range)
val = arrayInputValue.value()
iRow = i Mod numberOfOutputRows
iCol = Int(i/numberOfOutputRows)
inputArray(iRow + 1, iCol + 1) = val ' arrayInputValue
Next i
outputRange.Resize(RowSize:=UBound(inputArray, 1), ColumnSize:=UBound(inputArray, 2)).Value = inputArray
謝謝。看起來我還有其他一些問題,因爲我放棄了inputArray中填充的一些值 - 你能幫忙嗎? – Jmorte13
它應該像在VBA中一樣工作。你有沒有在VBA中嘗試過(稍做修改)?你知道你可以在Visual Studio中調試你的代碼,看看你的數組中究竟寫了什麼,對吧? 我沒有嘗試過它是真的,讓我知道如果你不知道,我會盡力幫助你 – PetLahev
我已經在VBA中試過它,它的工作原理非常完美。我有一些輕微的修改艱難。我不熟悉debuggen Visual Studio,這是如何完成的?我將在這裏粘貼VBA代碼,但我沒有足夠的字符。 – Jmorte13