我正在試圖用Python 3實現Prim的算法,它計算它生成的MST的總權重。我正在做一些不尋常的事情,用一個「數組」來跟蹤未訪問的節點。Python - 用數組執行Prim的算法
def Prim(Graph):
# row 1 is "still in R"
# row 2 is the connector vertex
# row 3 is the cost
total = 0
A = []
n = len(Graph)
A = [[None for x in range(0, n)] for y in range(1, 4)]
#Debugging purposes
for x in range(1, n):
A[0][x] = 'Y'
A[1][x] = 0
A[2][x] = 0
for neighbour in Graph[1]:
A[1][neighbour-1] = 1
A[2][neighbour-1] = Graph[1][neighbour]
#Debugging purposes
#print("Neighbour: ", neighbour, "Weight: ", Graph[1][neighbour])
current = 1
T = [current]
MST_edges = {}
count = 0
while len(T) < n:
x = search_min(current, A)
MST_edges[x] = A[1][x]
A[0][x] = 'N'
total += A[2][x]
for neighbour in Graph[x]:
if A[0][neighbour-1] != 'N':
if Graph[x][neighbour] < A[2][neighbour-1]:
A[1][neighbour-1] = x
A[2][neighbour-1] = Graph[x][neighbour]
count += 1
current = T[count]
return total
def search_min(current, A):
minimum_cost = 100
minimum_vertex = 1
for x in range(1,len(A[0])):
if A[1][x] != None and A[0][x] != 'N' and A[2][x] < minimum_cost:
minimum_cost = A[2][x]
minimum_vertex = x
## print("x", x)
## print("cost",minimum_cost)
## print("vertex",x)
return minimum_vertex
while len(T) < n:
x = search_min(current, A)
MST_edges[x] = A[1][x]
A[0][x] = 'N'
total += A[2][x]
for neighbour in Graph[x]:
if A[0][neighbour-1] != 'N':
if A[2][neighbour-1] != None and Graph[x][neighbour] < A[2][neighbour-1]:
A[1][neighbour-1] = x
A[2][neighbour-1] = Graph[x][neighbour]
count += 1
current = T[count]
graph = construct_graph(20) Prim(圖){3:0,5:0,8:0,16:0,6:5,9:3,7:8,11:5,15: 11,12:11,2:8,18:2,19:2,1:19,10:19,14:10,17:5,13:16,4:1}
你可以舉一個圖表的例子來計算錯誤的權重嗎?也許你應該讓函數返回它找到的樹,而不僅僅是重量,這樣你就可以看到它出錯了(這可能會告訴你它在哪裏犯錯)。嘗試'返回總數,A'(或者用'MST_edges')。 – Blckknght
@Blckknght嗨,感謝您的建議,我添加了它生成的MST的一個例子 –