Public Sub processItem1()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim pr As DAO.Recordset, so As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim strSQL2 As String
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM PharmSales WHERE PharmSalesID= (SELECT MAX(PharmSalesID) FROM PharmSales WHERE HospitalNo='" & Me.txtRegNo & "' And TDate = #" & Format(Me.txtTDate, "M\/dd\/yyyy") & "# AND SalesItem1 = '" & Me.txtSalesItem1 & "')"
strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM tblItem WHERE ItemName = '" & Me.txtSalesItem1 & "'"
Set pr = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL1)
Set so = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL2)
With pr
If Not .BOF And Not .EOF Then 'Ensure that the recordset contains records
If .Updatable Then 'To ensure record is not locked by another user
.Edit 'Must start an update with the edit statement
![DispQty1] = Nz(![DispQty1] + Me.txtSalesQty1.Value, 0)
End If
End If
pr.Close 'Make sure you close the recordset..
Set pr = Nothing '...and set it to nothing
Set db = Nothing
End With
With so
If Not .BOF And Not .EOF Then 'Ensure that the recordset contains records
If .Updatable Then 'To ensure record is not locked by another user
.Edit 'Must start an update with the edit statement
![Stock_Out] = Nz(![Stock_Out] + Me.txtSalesQty1.Value, Me.txtSalesQty1.Value)
![SO_Date] = Me.txtTDate
![Stock_In] = Nz(![Stock_In] + 0, 0)
.Update 'And finally we will need to confirm the update
End If
End If
so.Close 'Make sure you close the recordset..
Set so = Nothing '...and set it to nothing
Set db = Nothing
End With
End Sub
Public Sub processItem2()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim pr As DAO.Recordset, so As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim strSQL2 As String
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM PharmSales WHERE PharmSalesID= (SELECT MAX(PharmSalesID) FROM PharmSales WHERE HospitalNo='" & Me.txtRegNo & "' And TDate = #" & Format(Me.txtTDate, "M\/dd\/yyyy") & "# AND SalesItem2 = '" & Me.txtSalesItem2 & "')"
strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM tblItem WHERE ItemName = '" & Me.txtSalesItem2 & "'"
Set pr = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL1)
Set so = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL2)
With pr
If Not .BOF And Not .EOF Then 'Ensure that the recordset contains records
If .Updatable Then 'To ensure record is not locked by another user
.Edit 'Must start an update with the edit statement
![DispQty2] = Nz(![DispQty2] + Me.txtSalesQty2.Value, 0)
End If
End If
pr.Close 'Make sure you close the recordset..
Set pr = Nothing '...and set it to nothing
Set db = Nothing
End With
With so
If Not .BOF And Not .EOF Then 'Ensure that the recordset contains records
If .Updatable Then 'To ensure record is not locked by another user
.Edit 'Must start an update with the edit statement
![Stock_Out] = Nz(![Stock_Out] + Me.txtSalesQty2.Value, Me.txtSalesQty2.Value)
![SO_Date] = Me.txtTDate
![Stock_In] = Nz(![Stock_In] + 0, 0)
.Update 'And finally we will need to confirm the update
End If
End If
so.Close 'Make sure you close the recordset..
Set so = Nothing '...and set it to nothing
Set db = Nothing
End With
End Sub
此外,據我所知,「Updatable」指的是_Recordset_,而不是實際的記錄。 – Gustav
謝謝安德烈對這些意見。我希望你能夠更清楚地知道在何處以及如何插入(「txtSalesItem」&i)基於提供的示例 –
@LibertyCrownInfotech:請嘗試一下。無論你有一個像txtSalesItem1或DispQty1這樣的編號字段/控件名稱,你都可以這樣做。另一個注意事項:通過將編號字段轉換爲單獨的表「Today_Sales」,將整個事情變得更簡單,並將其更改爲子表單。那麼你可以簡單地循環它的記錄,而不用任何動態名字構造 – Andre