@property (strong, nonatomic, nonnull) NSData* data;
@property (assign, nonatomic) CFByteOrder byteOrder;
- (void)convertBytesToHostOrder:(nonnull void*)buffer length:(NSUInteger)length {
if(length > 1 && self.byteOrder != CFByteOrderGetCurrent()) {
// Swap bytes if the packet endiness differs from the host
char* fromBytes = buffer;
for(NSUInteger i=0; i < length/2; i++) {
NSUInteger indexes[2] = {i, length-i-0};
char byte = fromBytes[indexes[0]];
fromBytes[indexes[0]] = fromBytes[indexes[1]];
fromBytes[indexes[1]] = byte;
- (nonnull void*)getBytes:(nonnull void*)buffer startingFrom:(nonnull NSUInteger*)location length:(NSUInteger)length {
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(*location, length);
[self.data getBytes:buffer range:range]; // self.data is an instance of NSData
[self convertBytesToHostOrder:buffer length:length];
NSUInteger update = range.location + range.length;
*location = update;
return buffer;
- (NSTimeInterval)readTimeIntervalStartingFrom:(nonnull NSUInteger*)byteLocation {
uint32_t seconds;
uint16_t milliseconds;
// This line of code screws up the byteLocation pointer for some reason
[self getBytes:&seconds startingFrom:byteLocation length:sizeof(seconds)];
[self getBytes:&milliseconds startingFrom:byteLocation length:sizeof(milliseconds)];
NSTimeInterval ti = seconds + milliseconds/((double) 1000 * (1 << 6));
return ti;
- (void)readData {
NSUInteger byteLocation = 0;
self.sequenceNumber = *(uint8_t*) [self getBytes:&_sequenceNumber startingFrom:&byteLocation length:sizeof(_sequenceNumber)];
self.flags = *(uint8_t*) [self getBytes:&_flags startingFrom:&byteLocation length:sizeof(_flags)];
// Continue to process packet data if we didn't get a goodbye message
if(!(self.flags & LBRadarPongFlagGoodbye)) {
// Parse accelerations
int16_t int16;
self.accelerationX = (*(int16_t*) [self getBytes:&int16 startingFrom:&byteLocation length:sizeof(int16)])/kGToRaw;
self.accelerationY = (*(int16_t*) [self getBytes:&int16 startingFrom:&byteLocation length:sizeof(int16)])/kGToRaw;
self.accelerationZ = (*(int16_t*) [self getBytes:&int16 startingFrom:&byteLocation length:sizeof(int16)])/kGToRaw;
// Parse peripheral states
self.batteryVoltage = [self readFloat16From:&byteLocation];
self.chargeCurrent = [self readFloat16From:&byteLocation];
self.systemCurrent = [self readFloat16From:&byteLocation];
// All previous lines of code work properly and as expected.
// Buffers are read properly, and byteLocation properly reflects 14, which is the number of bytes read up to this point.
self.pongReceivedTimeIntervalSince1970 = [self readTimeIntervalStartingFrom:&byteLocation];
那是什麼'size'功能?它是你的實現嗎? –
@AndréFratelli對不起,它的意思是sizeof()。我在這個問題上改變了這個。 – rvijay007