2014-03-29 72 views


function [ output_args ] = aaa(filename) 
hVideoSrc = vision.VideoFileReader(filename, 'ImageColorSpace', 'Intensity'); 

imgA = step(hVideoSrc); % Read first frame into imgA 
imgB = step(hVideoSrc); % Read second frame into imgB 

figure; imshowpair(imgA, imgB, 'montage'); 
title(['Frame A', repmat(' ',[1 70]), 'Frame B']); 
figure; imshowpair(imgA,imgB,'ColorChannels','red-cyan'); 
title('Color composite (frame A = red, frame B = cyan)'); 
ptThresh = 0.1; 
pointsA = detectFASTFeatures(imgA, 'MinContrast', ptThresh); 
pointsB = detectFASTFeatures(imgB, 'MinContrast', ptThresh); 

% Display corners found in images A and B. 
figure; imshow(imgA); hold on; 
title('Corners in A'); 

figure; imshow(imgB); hold on; 
title('Corners in B'); 
% Extract FREAK descriptors for the corners 
[featuresA, pointsA] = extractFeatures(imgA, pointsA); 
[featuresB, pointsB] = extractFeatures(imgB, pointsB); 
indexPairs = matchFeatures(featuresA, featuresB); 
pointsA = pointsA(indexPairs(:, 1), :); 
pointsB = pointsB(indexPairs(:, 2), :); 
figure; showMatchedFeatures(imgA, imgB, pointsA, pointsB); 
legend('A', 'B'); 
[tform, pointsBm, pointsAm] = estimateGeometricTransform(... 
    pointsB, pointsA, 'affine'); 
imgBp = imwarp(imgB, tform, 'OutputView', imref2d(size(imgB))); 
pointsBmp = transformPointsForward(tform, pointsBm.Location); 
showMatchedFeatures(imgA, imgBp, pointsAm, pointsBmp); 
legend('A', 'B'); 
% Extract scale and rotation part sub-matrix. 
H = tform.T; 
R = H(1:2,1:2); 
% Compute theta from mean of two possible arctangents 
theta = mean([atan2(R(2),R(1)) atan2(-R(3),R(4))]); 
% Compute scale from mean of two stable mean calculations 
scale = mean(R([1 4])/cos(theta)); 
% Translation remains the same: 
translation = H(3, 1:2); 
% Reconstitute new s-R-t transform: 
HsRt = [[scale*[cos(theta) -sin(theta); sin(theta) cos(theta)]; ... 
    translation], [0 0 1]']; 
tformsRT = affine2d(HsRt); 

imgBold = imwarp(imgB, tform, 'OutputView', imref2d(size(imgB))); 
imgBsRt = imwarp(imgB, tformsRT, 'OutputView', imref2d(size(imgB))); 

figure(2), clf; 
imshowpair(imgBold,imgBsRt,'ColorChannels','red-cyan'), axis image; 
title('Color composite of affine and s-R-t transform outputs'); 
% Reset the video source to the beginning of the file. 

hVPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer; % Create video viewer 

% Process all frames in the video 
movMean = step(hVideoSrc); 
imgB = movMean; 
imgBp = imgB; 
correctedMean = imgBp; 
ii = 2; 
Hcumulative = eye(3); 
while ~isDone(hVideoSrc) && ii < 10 
    % Read in new frame 
    imgA = imgB; % z^-1 
    imgAp = imgBp; % z^-1 
    imgB = step(hVideoSrc); 
    movMean = movMean + imgB; 

    % Estimate transform from frame A to frame B, and fit as an s-R-t 
    H = cvexEstStabilizationTform(imgA,imgB); 
    HsRt = cvexTformToSRT(H); 
    Hcumulative = HsRt * Hcumulative; 
    imgBp = imwarp(imgB,affine2d(Hcumulative),'OutputView',imref2d(size(imgB))); 

    % Display as color composite with last corrected frame 
    step(hVPlayer, imfuse(imgAp,imgBp,'ColorChannels','red-cyan')); 
    correctedMean = correctedMean + imgBp; 

    ii = ii+1; 
correctedMean = correctedMean/(ii-2); 
movMean = movMean/(ii-2); 

% Here you call the release method on the objects to close any open files 
% and release memory. 
figure; imshowpair(movMean, correctedMean, 'montage'); 
title(['Raw input mean', repmat(' ',[1 50]), 'Corrected sequence mean']); 


代碼從這裏 http://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/examples/video-stabilization-using-point-feature-matching.html, 但MatLab無法識別功能detectFASTFeatures

有人能幫助我嗎? 也許有人有其他功能,找到這一點。


