2016-09-29 83 views
def GameMode():#creates a function with name of gamemode 
    global wrong_answer_1 
    for keys,values in keywords.items():#checks for the right answer 
     if keys == code:#if the keys equal to the code value 
      keyword_c = values 
      global keyword_c 
    for keys,values in definition.items():#checks for the right answer 
     if keys == code + 1:#if the keys equal the code add 1 
      definition_c = values#set s to be the values 
    for keys,values in definition.items():#checks for the right answer 
     if inc == keys:#if the keys equal the code add 1 
      wrong_answer_1 = values#set s to be the values 
    for keys,value in definition.items():#For the keys in the dictionary 
     if keys == inc2:#if the keys equal to a value 
      global wrong_answer_2 
      wrong_answer_2 = value 

    print(wrong_answer_2, "Hi") 

我試圖讓我的變量keyword_c,definition_c,wrong_answer_1和wrong_answer_2是全球性的,所以我可以在其他函數中使用它們,但我似乎無法得到它的工作,當談到python時,我有些新鮮感。 我試過使用「全局」,因爲你可以看到上面,我試圖調用變量並通過它們,但我不完全理解它足以能夠弄清楚。變量沒有定義PYTHON 3.5.2

keyword_c = '' 
definition_c = '' 
wrong_answer_1 = '' 
wrong_answer_2 = '' 


Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "D:\Program.py", line 67, in <module> 
    GameMode()#calls the function 
    File "D:\Program.py", line 55, in GameMode 
    print(wrong_answer_2, "Hi") 
NameError: name 'wrong_answer_2' is not defined 



決策變量的全局「這樣我就可以在另一個函數中使用它們」是*幾乎總是*錯誤的事情。相反,從這個函數返回它們並將它們傳遞給另一個函數。 –


另外,當詢問有關錯誤的問題時,請始終發佈完整的錯誤和回溯。 –


啊,我看到了,我真的不明白怎麼做,你能告訴我如何正確地傳遞它們嗎? – BushellsMaster




self.keyword_c = '' 
self.definition_c = '' 
self.wrong_answer_1 = '' 
self.wrong_answer_2 = '' 


def GameMode(self):#creates a function with name of gamemode 
    for keys,values in keywords.items():#checks for the right answer 
     if keys == code:#if the keys equal to the code value 
      self.keyword_c = values 


def GameMode():#creates a function with name of gamemode 
    global wrong_answer_1 
    for keys,values in keywords.items():#checks for the right answer 
     if keys == code:#if the keys equal to the code value 
      keyword_c = values # keyword_c doesn't exist here, you cannot assign here 
      global keyword_c # its created here, so it now exists 

請記住,如果if語句都不是'True',那麼'keyword_c'和'wrong_answer_2'將不存在,因爲它們的創建在'if'語句中。這就是爲什麼'NameError:name'wrong_answer_2'沒有被定義'顯示 –



def GameMode():#creates a function with name of gamemode 
    global inc, inc2, code, wrong_answer_1, wrong_answer_2, keyword_c 
    for keys,values in keywords.items():#checks for the right answer 
     if keys == code:#if the keys equal to the code value 
      keyword_c = values 
    for keys,values in definition.items():#checks for the right answer 
     if keys == code + 1:#if the keys equal the code add 1 
      definition_c = values#set s to be the values 
    for keys,values in definition.items():#checks for the right answer 
     if inc == keys:#if the keys equal the code add 1 
      wrong_answer_1 = values#set s to be the values 
    for keys,value in definition.items():#For the keys in the dictionary 
     if keys == inc2:#if the keys equal to a value 
      wrong_answer_2 = value 

    print(wrong_answer_2, "Hi") 

keywords = { 
    1: 'a', 
definition = { 
    1: 'a', 
code = 1 
inc = 1 
inc2 = 1 
wrong_answer_1 = None 
wrong_answer_2 = None 
keyword_c = None 

print(inc, inc2, code, wrong_answer_1, wrong_answer_2, keyword_c) 


a Hi 
1 1 1 a a a 

我已經完成了你所說的內容,但是當我嘗試打印變量時,我仍然收到一個空白字符串。也許我只是吮吸>: – BushellsMaster


這是與原來的問題不同的問題。我們需要知道你的輸入是什麼,以及預期的輸出,以幫助創建一個算法來完成它。 –


我已經修復了它,現在感謝xxoxooxox – BushellsMaster