有沒有人知道是否有分鐘。 SDL框架中BMP文件的大小限制以顯示它們?
我在問你這個,因爲我試過了,但是無法正確顯示小於20x20像素的BMP文件(我正在使用SDL for C++)。SDL框架無法顯示小於20x20像素的BMP文件?
bool successCondition = false;
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) {
printf("Unable to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
return 1;
SDL_Surface *screen;
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 24, SDL_DOUBLEBUF);
if (screen == NULL) {
printf("Unable to set video mode: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
return 1;
// nueva imagen
Image* imgSmile = new Image("Images/smile.bmp");
SDL_Rect src, dest;
src.x = 0;
src.y = 0;
src.w = imgSmile->getWidth();
src.h = imgSmile->getHeight();
dest.x = 50;
dest.y = 20;
dest.w = imgSmile->getWidth();
dest.h = imgSmile->getHeight();
SDL_BlitSurface(imgSmile->getSDLSurface(), &src, screen, &dest);
// nueva imagen
Image* imgSmileRe = new Image("Images/smile.bmp");
// Achico la imagen
imgSmileRe->resize(10, 10);
// Pego la imagen en la pantalla
src.x = 0;
src.y = 0;
src.w = imgSmileRe->getWidth();
src.h = imgSmileRe->getHeight();
dest.x = 100;
dest.y = 20;
dest.w = imgSmileRe->getWidth();
dest.h = imgSmileRe->getHeight();
SDL_BlitSurface(imgSmileRe->getSDLSurface(), &src, screen, &dest);
//esperar para cerrar
SDL_Event e;
bool running = true;
case SDL_QUIT:
running = false;
// libero memoria
successCondition = true;
return successCondition;
void Image::resize(int newWidth, int newHeight)
int widthSrc = this->getWidth();
int heightSrc = this->getHeight();
// Empty new image
Image* temp = new Image(newWidth, newHeight);
int posXDst = 0;
int posYDst = 0;
for(int posYSrc = 0; posYSrc < heightSrc ; posYSrc++){
for(int posXSrc = 0; posXSrc < widthSrc; posXSrc++){
posXDst = (posXSrc * newWidth)/widthSrc;
posYDst = (posYSrc * newHeight)/heightSrc;
Uint32 pixelImg = this->getPixel(posXSrc, posYSrc);
if(posXSrc > 0 && posYSrc > 0 && newWidth > widthSrc && newHeight > heightSrc){
int fromY = (((posYSrc-1) * newHeight)/heightSrc);
int fromX = (((posXSrc-1) * newWidth)/widthSrc);
// interpolacion interna
for (int y = fromY; y <= posYDst; y++){
for (int x = fromX; x <= posXDst; x++){
// pixel y posicion superior izquierdo
Uint32 pixelSI = this->getPixel(posXSrc-1, posYSrc-1);
int xSI = ((posXSrc-1) * newWidth)/widthSrc;
int ySI = ((posYSrc-1) * newHeight)/heightSrc;
// pixel y posicion superior derecho
Uint32 pixelSD = this->getPixel(posXSrc, posYSrc-1);
int xSD = (posXSrc * newWidth)/widthSrc;
int ySD = ((posYSrc-1) * newHeight)/heightSrc;
// pixel y posicion inferior izquierdo
Uint32 pixelII = this->getPixel(posXSrc-1, posYSrc);
int xII = ((posXSrc-1) * newWidth)/widthSrc;
int yII = (posYSrc * newHeight)/heightSrc;
// obtengo el pixel interpolado
Uint32 interpolatedPixel = this->getInterpolatedPixel(pixelSI, xSI, ySI,
pixelSD, xSD, ySD,
pixelII, xII, yII,
pixelImg, posXDst, posYDst,
x, y, temp->getFormat());
// coloco el pixel en la imagen destino
temp->putPixel(interpolatedPixel, x, y);
// Pongo el pixel en las nuevas coordenadas
temp->putPixel(pixelImg, posXDst, posYDst);
對不起,西班牙意見。 我使用的Windows XP/7圖像是24位BMP文件aprox 20x20像素的笑臉。
你正在運行什麼操作系統?你如何加載BMP?代碼是什麼? – 2011-05-03 07:45:04
您的調整大小功能可能有問題。 – MetaCipher 2011-05-12 13:36:11
如果將所有源代碼替換爲函數中的目標傳輸,會更好。 – devsaw 2013-10-04 14:25:32