System.out.println("How many months had passed since the account was established?");
months = keyboard.nextInt();
//count should be months, not sure how to word it from the month input.
int count=0; for(count=0;count<13;count++)
{ System.out.println("How much did you deposit this month?");
System.out.println("How much did you withdraw this month?");
System.out.println("Your monthly interest is");
1)爲了更好地幫助越早,張貼[SSCCE(HTTP:// SSCCE。組織/)。 2)對代碼塊使用一致的邏輯縮進。代碼的縮進旨在幫助人們理解程序流程。 –
我看不出有什麼目的是嵌套循環,你似乎試圖實現。嵌套循環只是另一個循環內的循環。也許你問的是錯誤的問題? – bengoesboom
你必須更好地解釋這一點。就像bengoesboom一樣,我也沒有看到嵌套的for循環會有什麼好處。 – Jokab