2017-02-20 93 views


let s1: String?? = nil 
(s1 ?? "inner") ?? "outer" // Prints inner 

let st2: String?? = .some(nil) 
(st2 ?? "inner") ?? "outer" // prints outer 

不知道爲什麼(s2 ?? "inner")返回nil。完全困惑於此。有人能幫我理解原因嗎?



最初不顧結合使用nil合併運算符的:與嵌套可選類型的工作(由於某種原因)時,它可以幫助明確打出來的類型(而不是使用普通?語法糖每個可選「水平」)。例如: -

let s1: Optional<Optional<String>> = nil 
    /* ^^^^^^^^^................^- 'nil' with regard to "outer" optional */ 

let s2: Optional<Optional<String>> = .some(nil) 
    /* ^^^^^^^^^................^- the "outer" optional has value .some(...), i.e, 
            not 'nil' which would be .none. 
       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-the "inner" optional, on the other hand, has 
            value 'nil' (.none) */ 


let foo1 = (s1 ?? "inner") ?? "outer" // equals "inner" 
     /* ^^- is 'nil', hence the call to 's1 ?? "inner" will coalesce 
       to "inner", which is a concrete 'String' (literal), which 
       means the second nil coalescing operator will not coelesce 
       to "outer" */ 

let foo2 = (s2 ?? "inner") ?? "outer" // equals "outer" 
     /* ^^- is .some(...), hence the call to 's1 ?? "inner" will coalesce 
       to _the concrete value wrapped in 's1'_; namely 'nil', due some, .some(nil). 
       hence, (s1 ?? "inner") results in 'nil', whereafter the 2nd nil 
       coalescing call, 'nil ?? "outer"', will naturally result in 'outer' */ 


Optional<SomeType>.some(someThing) ?? anotherThing 
// -> someThing, even if this happens to be 'nil' 

這也很明顯,如果我們選擇看看the stdlib implementation of the nil coalescing operator

public func ?? <T>(optional: T?, defaultValue: @autoclosure() throws -> T) 
    rethrows -> T { 
    switch optional { 
    case .some(let value): 
    // in your example (s2 and leftmost ?? call), 'T' is Optional<String>, 
    // and 'value' will have the value 'nil' here (which is a valid return for 'T') 
    return value 
    case .none: 
    return try defaultValue() 

我認爲有在代碼的第二塊的錯誤,因爲這兩個foo1和foo2的聲明同樣存在。不應該是「foo2 =(s2 ?? ...」? – nbloqs


@nbloqs是的,謝謝,代表我的錯字! – dfri


我很樂意幫忙! – nbloqs

let st2: String?? = .some(nil) 
(st2 ?? "inner") ?? "outer" // prints outer 

不知道爲什麼(S2 ?? 「內部」)返回nil


let st2: String?? = .some(nil) 


let st2: String?? = .some("howdy") 
(st2 ?? "inner") ?? "outer" // prints howdy