def SubProcess_function(logger, ProcessName, Arguments=" "):
The subprocess tricks:
preexec_fn is an arg of subprocess.Popen() which let us catch signals sent to our main program before sending them to subprocesses.
os.setpgrp allow us to avoid any signal to be sent to subprocess. (No ctrl + C glitches anymore)
The while True loop let us tryNretry even if indecise user press Ctrl+C and then asks to continue a lot of time.
Inconvenience: We can't answer to yes/no questions.
subprocess should be called in quiet mode then.
Usage: SubProcess_function("MyProcess", (OPTIONAL)listofargs['-r', '-t', '-f', '-m']
import signal
tryAgain = True
while tryAgain == True:
logger.info('creating ChildProcess')
ChildProcess = subprocess.Popen([ProcessName] + Arguments,
logger.info('Waiting %s end or KeyboardInterrupt' % ProcessName)
return None
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.warning('KeyboardInterrupt during %s execution !' % ProcessName)
logger.warning('Send SIGSTOP to %s' % ProcessName)
os.kill(ChildProcess.pid, signal.SIGSTOP)
query_stopCont = queryUser("\n\nSeems like you want to exit before end, are you sure ? (Current process: %s)" % ProcessName)
if query_stopCont == True: #User wants to stop
logger.info('User wants to stop, send SIGINT to %s' % ProcessName)
os.kill(ChildProcess.pid, signal.SIGINT)
tryAgain == False
query_rm = queryUser("\n\nStopped !\nTemp files may have been created, want to remove it ?")
if query_rm == True: #User wants to rm temp files
logger.info('User wants to stop and rm temp files.')
return True
else: #Users wants to exit and keep temp files
logger.info('User wants to stop and keep temp files.')
return False
else: #User wants to continue
logger.info('User wants to continue')
def exec_httrack(URL, tempDir, saveDir, tempPath, savePath, logger):
This function will execute httrack with all parameters.
tempDir, saveDir, tempPath, savePath are given in main() as a dictionnary.
import shutil
#Execute httrack with -q "quiet" (don't ask any question) and -O "output to" (specifies path for mirror/logfiles cache) -v "verbose"
httrack_args = [URL, "-q", "-O", tempDir, "-v" "-n" "-p" "-F",
"Mozilla 1.0, Sparc, Solaris 23.54.34"]
logger.warning('launching SubProcess with args= %s', httrack_args)
processStatus = SubProcess_function(logger, "httrack", httrack_args)
#Handling execution returns
#Execution complete, moving from temp to saveDir, delete temp
if processStatus is None:
logger.info('Execution complete !')
copyDirectory_function(tempPath, savePath, logger)
logger.info('deleting %s' % tempPath)
#Execution cancelled
#User wants to remove temp files
elif processStatus is True:
logger.warning('Execution Cancelled !\nDeleting %s' % tempPath)
#if saveDir is empty, it will be removed
if not os.listdir(savePath):
logger.warning('Execution Cancelled.')
logger.info('%s is empty, deleting it' % saveDir)
print "Temp files cleared !"
#User wants to quit but keep his temp files
logger.info('Execution Cancelled, keeped all temp files in %s' % tempDir)
print("Temp files saved at: %s" % (tempDir))
編輯工作:改寫如下: 我希望能知道在SubProcess_function中調用的程序是否創建一些文件或某個文件夾。 在我的例子中,Httrack會。
但我想能夠使用相同的函數調用另一個不會創建任何內容的程序,那麼我可以管理我的錯誤消息。 在當前狀態下,如果調用Subprocess_function用,例如,Cowsay:
args = ["Hello world"]
Subprocess_function(logger, "cowsay", args)
你按CTRL + C,它會問你,如果你想刪除臨時文件,但有沒有意義。
細節很重要。你能限制程序只寫入一個目錄,否則限制文件系統的區域?或者,您是否可以承受ptrace式追蹤的嚴重性能損失(如'strace'所做的那樣),還是安裝和特權升級要求來運行諸如sysdig之類的高性能追蹤工具?只是偶爾輪詢打開的文件是否可以接受,即使這意味着如果在輪詢之間創建並關閉,您可能會錯過一個文件。 –
...因爲如果以上所有答案都是「否」,那麼這就是整個問題的答案。 –
(如果您只是擔心清理臨時文件,您可能還會考慮您的程序是否會遵守環境變量,比如'TMPDIR'來在您指定的臨時目錄中生成內容)。 –