2016-09-14 22 views

我有一個數字Python - 如何總結一列數字的所有組合以達到目標。數量的使用是可選

lis = [497.96, 10, 5084, 156.43, 381.3, 3298.85, 625.68] 



from itertools import combinations 
lis = [497.96, 10, 5084, 156.43, 381.3, 3298.85, 625.68] 
for i in xrange(1, len(lis) + 1): #xrange will return the values 1,2,3,4 in this loop 
    if sum(list(combinations(lis, i))) == 8276: 
     print list(combinations(lis, i)) 


TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'tuple' 



您是否需要保留號碼列表中的號碼順序? – thiruvenkadam


我們可以使用數字「n」次嗎?因爲,如果我們只能使用一次數字,8276就無法通過輸入設置到達。 – thiruvenkadam


嗨,超級,因爲你提到的圓角的洞察力也是你想要的,我發佈了一個解決方案來顯示任意數量的最接近匹配。請說明,如果這是你的意思,或者你只是想要一個*完全匹配*。後者在你的例子中沒有輸出。 –







from itertools import combinations 
# set the number of closest combinations to show, the targeted number and the list 
show = 5 
target = 8276 
lis = [497.96, 10, 5084, 156.43, 381.3, 3298.85, 625.68] 

diffs = [] 
for n in range(1, len(lis)+1): 
    numbers = combinations(lis, n) 
    # list the combinations and their absolute difference to target 
    for combi in numbers: 
     diffs.append([combi, abs(target - sum(combi))]) 

diffs.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) 

for item in diffs[:show]: 
    print(item[0], round(item[1],10)) 


(5084, 3298.85) 106.85 
(10, 5084, 3298.85) 116.85 
(5084, 156.43, 3298.85) 263.28 
(10, 5084, 156.43, 3298.85) 273.28 
(5084, 381.3, 3298.85) 488.15 

這表明最近你可以得到是(5084, 3298.85),顯示差異106.85

見BTW Note on floating point calculation



from itertools import combinations 
# set the number of closest combinations to show, the targeted number and the list 
show = 5 
target = 8276 
lis = [497.96, 10, 5084, 156.43, 381.3, 3298.85, 625.68] 

diffs = [item for sublist in [[ 
    [combi, abs(target - sum(combi))] for combi in combinations(lis, n) 
    ] for n in range(1, len(lis)+1)] for item in sublist] 

diffs.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) 
[print(item[0], round(item[1],10)) for item in diffs[:show]] 

我認爲問題是關於如何獲得絕對數量和組合,而不是我們可以組合多麼接近。在OP代碼中,它是== 8276,而不是<= 8276。 – thiruvenkadam


@thiruvenkadam我同意代碼表明,但接着*「我還需要看看是否拋出美分或舍入有助於達到目標。」*讓我相信他可以使用最接近的匹配。 「舍入」沒有定義什麼。你可能是對的。 –


我手動將各種組合的數字相加,發現如果數字不能再次使用,就不可能以任何方式得到8276。猜猜看,OP我也想澄清一下。 – thiruvenkadam



from itertools import combinations 
lis = [497.96, 10, 5084, 156.43, 381.3, 3298.85, 625.68] 
for i in xrange(1, len(lis) + 1): 
    for comb in combinations(lis, i): 
     if sum(comb) == 8276: 
      print comb 


>>> sum([(1,), (2,)]) 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'tuple' 

該問題沒有指定Python 2或3,而是在Python 3中運行上面的代碼,將'xrange'更改爲'range'和'print comb'更改爲'print(comb)'。 – nekomatic


如果sum(comb)== 8276'由於舍入錯誤可能無法匹配'應該'求和到8276的組合。嘗試修改上面的代碼來打印每個組合及其總和,你會看到一些結果是例如'6247.410000000001'。您可以使用例如'如果abs(sum(comb) - 8276)<0.01'來解決這個問題。 – nekomatic


@nekomatic該版本被原始問題中的'xrange'和'print'隱式定義爲2.7。舍入問題也可以通過將所有數字與'100'或使用['Decimal'](https://docs.python.org/2/library/decimal.html#module-decimal)相乘來解決,但是我猜想點問題是其中提到的錯誤。 – niemmi



import math 
import itertools as it 
tolerance = 150 
target_sum = 8392 
found = False 
lis = [497.96, 10, 5084, 156.43, 381.3, 3298.85, 625.68] 

def add_throw_and_round(num): 
    num_list = [num] 
    if int(num) != float(num): 
    if round(num) not in num_list: 
    return sorted(num_list) 

lis_expanded = map(add_throw_and_round, lis) 
print "Expanded list:\n", lis_expanded, "\n\nTarget sum:\n", target_sum, "\n" 
for n in range(1,len(lis) + 1): # n is number of summands in pick 
    lis_combos = it.combinations(lis_expanded, n) 
    for lis_combo_n in lis_combos: 
     for combo_n in (it.product(*lis_combo_n)): 
      sum_ = sum(combo_n) 
      if sum_ == target_sum: 
       found = True 
       answer = combo_n 
      if sum_ > target_sum - tolerance and sum_ < target_sum + tolerance: 
       print "sum:", sum_, "\tCombination: ", combo_n 
if found: 
    print "\nThere is a match: ", answer 
    print "\nNo exact match found" 


===== RESTART: C:/Users/Joe/Desktop/scripts/Stack_overflow/cents_py2.py ===== 

Expanded list: 
[[497.0, 497.96, 498.0], [10], [5084], [156.0, 156.43], [381.0, 381.3], [3298.0, 3298.85, 3299.0], [625.0, 625.68, 626.0]] 

Target sum: 

sum: 8382.0  Combination: (5084, 3298.0) 
sum: 8382.85 Combination: (5084, 3298.85) 
sum: 8383.0  Combination: (5084, 3299.0) 
sum: 8392.0  Combination: (10, 5084, 3298.0) 
sum: 8392.85 Combination: (10, 5084, 3298.85) 
sum: 8393.0  Combination: (10, 5084, 3299.0) 

No exact match found 

注意上面它測試,其中美分被拋出,並四捨五入的情況。 只是爲了測試當目標總和是否匹配時它會報告匹配,我嘗試了target_sum = 8392,因爲輸出顯示一個組合應該匹配它。所以這裏是這種情況下的輸出:

===== RESTART: C:/Users/Joe/Desktop/scripts/Stack_overflow/cents_py2.py ===== 
Expanded list: 
[[497.0, 497.96, 498.0], [10], [5084], [156.0, 156.43], [381.0, 381.3], [3298.0, 3298.85, 3299.0], [625.0, 625.68, 626.0]] 

Target sum: 

sum: 8382.0  Combination: (5084, 3298.0) 
sum: 8382.85 Combination: (5084, 3298.85) 
sum: 8383.0  Combination: (5084, 3299.0) 
sum: 8392.0  Combination: (10, 5084, 3298.0) 
sum: 8392.85 Combination: (10, 5084, 3298.85) 
sum: 8393.0  Combination: (10, 5084, 3299.0) 
sum: 8538.0  Combination: (5084, 156.0, 3298.0) 
sum: 8538.85 Combination: (5084, 156.0, 3298.85) 
sum: 8539.0  Combination: (5084, 156.0, 3299.0) 
sum: 8538.43 Combination: (5084, 156.43, 3298.0) 
sum: 8539.28 Combination: (5084, 156.43, 3298.85) 
sum: 8539.43 Combination: (5084, 156.43, 3299.0) 

There is a match: (10, 5084, 3298.0) 