void Player::update(vector< vector<Tile> > map) {
vector<Tile> collidingTiles;
x += xVel;
y += yVel;
boundingBox = Rect(x,y,16,16);
for(int iy=0;iy<MAPH;iy++) {
for(int ix=0;ix<MAPW;ix++) {
if (map[ix][iy].solid == true) {
if (boundingBox.collide(map[ix][iy].boundingBox)) {
collidingTiles.push_back(map[ix][iy]); // store all colliding tiles, will be used later
Rect intersectingRect = map[ix][iy].boundingBox; // copy the intersecting rect
float xOffset = x-intersectingRect.x; // calculate x-axis offset
float yOffset = y-intersectingRect.y; //calculate y-axis offset
if (abs(xOffset) < abs(yOffset)) {
x += xOffset;
else if (abs(xOffset) > abs(yOffset)) {
y += yOffset;
boundingBox = Rect(x,y,16,16); // reset bounding box
yVel = 0;
if (collidingTiles.size() == 0) {
yVel += gravity;
什麼是毛刺? –