這裏有兩個我能想到的版本。當兩個單詞都是共同的(比如說「is」和「the」,版本1的n1 * n2縮放會成爲一個問題),並且對惡意輸入(比如只有兩個單詞的文件)更健壯時,V2更爲可取。但是對於更有趣的查詢(比如「大」和「動物」),v1的速度一樣快,我可以考慮更實際的語義問題,因爲v2根本不起作用,但是v1會起作用。有沒有辦法加快速度?兩個單詞之間的最小距離(python)
進口timeit T1 = timeit.default_timer()
f = open(filename, 'rU')
text = f.read()
index = 0
distance = index
version = int(version)
print 'inputs', filename, wordOne, wordTwo
countOne = 0
countTwo = 0
print 'version', version
if version == 1:
word_pos = {}
for word in text.split():
if word in [wordOne, wordTwo]:
if word in word_pos.keys():
word_pos[word] = [index]
index += 1
countOne = len(word_pos[wordOne])
countTwo = len(word_pos[wordTwo])
distances = []
low = 0
high = index
for posOne in word_pos[wordOne]:
for posTwo in word_pos[wordTwo]:
#shrink innner loop by distance?:
#for posTwo in range(int(posOne-distance), (posOne+distance)):
#if abs(posOne-posTwo) < distance:
#distance = abs(posOne-posTwo)
distance = min(distances)
elif version == 2:
switch = 0
indexOne = 0
indexTwo = 0
distance = len(text)
for word in text.split():
if word == wordOne:
indexOne = index
countOne += 1
if word == wordTwo:
indexTwo = index
countTwo += 1
if indexOne != 0 and indexTwo != 0:
if distance > abs(indexOne-indexTwo):
distance = abs(indexOne - indexTwo)
index += 1
t2 = timeit.default_timer()
print 'Delta t:', t2 - t1
print 'number of words in text:', index
print 'number of occurrences of',wordOne+':', countOne
print 'number of occurrences of',wordTwo+':', countTwo
if countOne < 1 or countTwo < 1:
print 'not all words are present'
return 1
print 'Shortest distance between \''+wordOne+'\' and \''+wordTwo+'\' is', distance, 'words'
return distance
你的第二個版本不起作用,你會在'if word == wordOne'中產生NameError。 'wordOne'如何初始化? –
爲我工作。 wordOne是一個輸入。它是否爲你拋出NameError? – cosmologist