


List<Cat> a = (List<Cat>) em.createNamedQuery("Cat.findHome") 
      .setParameter("catName", catName) 
      .setParameter("houseKey", houseKey).getResultList(); 


a = ArrayList<E> 
     elementData= Object[10] (id=22688) 
      [0] = Object[2] (id=22692) 
       [0] = Cat (id=22692) 
       [1] = Home (id=22692) 
      [1] = null 
      [2] = null 
      [3] = null 
      [4] = null 
      [5] = null 
      [9] = null 



Cat.java - 貓實體

//imports here 

     query="from Cat a join a.home p where a.name = :catName and p.housekey like :houseKey") 
public class Cat implements Serializable{ 

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 
private String catkey; 
private String name; 

public List<Home> key; // a cat can have many homes 

* @param catkey the catkey to set 
public void setCatkey(String catkey) { 
    this.catkey = catkey; 

* @return the catkey 
public String getCatkey() { 
    return catkey; 

* @return the name 
public String getName() { 
    return name; 

* @param name the name to set 
public void setName(String name) { 
    this.name = name; 

* @param home the home to set 
public void setHome(List<Home> home) { 
    this.home = home; 

* @return the home 
@OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="cat") 
@Filter(name="contrFilter",condition = "K_CAT=:kcathome") 
public List<Home> getHome() { 
     return home; 

Home.java - 首頁實體

public class Home implements Serializable{ 

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 

private Sting housekey; 
private Cat cat; 

* @param housekey the housekey to set 
public void setHousekey(String housekey) { 
    this.housekey = housekey; 

* @return the housekey 
public String getHousekey(){ 
    return housekey; 

* @param cat the cat to set 
public void setCat(Cat cat) { 
    this.cat = cat; 

* @return the cat 
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) 
@JoinColumn(name = "K_CAT_HOME", updatable=false, insertable=false) 
public Cat getCat() { 
     return cat; 



好吧,你會obiously期待'Cat's列表。你的命名查詢看起來如何?請用它+實體對象更新你的問題。 – Magnilex 2013-05-06 11:17:36


更新了實體和類中的命名查詢** Cat ** – 2013-05-06 12:51:42




query="select a from Cat a where a.name = :catName and a.home.houseKey like :houseKey") 

對不起,我之前刪除的問題。這確實似乎是正確的答案。 – Magnilex 2013-05-06 12:55:11


@MagnusTengdahl我更新了查詢。現在沒有''加入''從' – Ilya 2013-05-06 12:56:00


幾乎工作。這意味着它會正確返回對象列表,但** Cat.house **屬性似乎不包含它應該包含的內容。我正在調試這個,然後我會回覆更多的信息。 – 2013-05-06 13:00:56