我想寫與BrainFuck一個程序,可以讀出兩個數高達9,計算它們的總和,然後打印出結果,如3 & 5給出結果8。如何計算兩個數字的總和與BrainFuck
我想寫與BrainFuck一個程序,可以讀出兩個數高達9,計算它們的總和,然後打印出結果,如3 & 5給出結果8。如何計算兩個數字的總和與BrainFuck
, ; read character and store it in p1
> ; move pointer to p2 (second byte)
, ; read character and store it in p2
[ ; enter loop
< ; move to p1
+ ; increment p1
> ; move to p2
- ; decrement p2
] ; we exit the loop when the last cell is empty
< ; go back to p1
------------------------------------------------ ; subtract 48 (ie ASCII char code of '0')
. ; print p1
$ bf sum.bf
只有+ ve號碼可以在我的代碼中添加。並且請確保您在兩個輸入中使用相同的數字位數。即如果你想用3加57,那麼給出57 + 03 =或03 + 57 =等輸入。 現在的代碼。我用一個例子記錄下來。儘管如此,我還是不想看看自己的代碼,因爲自己設計比學習或解決bf中的代碼更容易。首先你需要知道如何比較兩個數字。我在this問題的答案是一個解決方案。 在文檔中,我使用'plus'而不是+,因爲+是bf中的有效操作。
>> +
[- >,>+<
----- ----- ----- ----- ; checking with ascii 43 ie plus symbol
----- ----- ----- -----
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
; first input is over and terminated by a 'plus' symbol
[- >,>+<
----- ----- ----- ----- ; checking with ascii 61 ie = symbol
----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ------
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++ +++++ ++++++
; second input is over and terminated by an = symbol
; now the array looks like 0 0 0 49 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 0 53 0 0 1 0
; for an input 12'plus'15=
; filled with 1's in between
+ [<+>-<<[>-]>] ; This is a special loop to traverse LEFT through indefinite no of 0s
; Lets call it left traverse
; now the array looks like
; 0 0 1 49 1 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 49 1 53 0 0 1 for eg:12plus15
[->+> + [>+<->>[<-]<] ; Right traverse
>>[>]<+ [<]
+ [<+>-<<[>-]>] ; Left traverse
+ [>+<->>[<-]<]
>> [>] <<-<[<]
+ [<+>-<<[>-]>]
; now actual addition took place
; ie array is 00000000000000 98 0 103 0 0 1
+ [>+<->>[<-]<]
----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- -----
----- ---
; minus 48 to get the addition correct as we add 2 ascii numbers
>-< ; well an undesired 1 was there 2 place after 103 right ? just to kill it
; now the array is 00000 00000 0000 50 0 55
; now comes the biggest task Carry shifting
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++
; we added a 48 before all the digits in case there is an overall carry
; to make the size n plus 1
; array : 00000 00000 00 48 0 50 0 55
[>>->[>]>+>>>> >>>+<<<< <<<<<[<]><<]
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++
; comparison loop: 0 1 0 a b 0
; (q) (p) (num) (58)
[->-[>]<<] ; comparison loop to check each digit with 58: greater means
; we need to minus 10 and add 1 to next significant digit
; n greater than or equal to 58 (at p)
<<<< <<<
----- ----- ; minus 10 to that digit
<<+ ; plus 1 to next digit
< [-<
; n less than 58 (at q)
; at (q)
<<<<< <<<<<
; Its all over now : something like 0 48 0 52 0 66 (ie 0 4 18)
; will turn into 0 48 0 53 0 56 (ie 0 5 8)
----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- -----
----- ---
; here we are just checking first digit is 48 or not
; its weird to print 0 ahead but it is defenitely needed
; if it is 49 ie 1
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++++ +++++ +++++
+++++ +++
+++++ +++++
. ; to print nextline : ascii 10
我知道它有點冗長的代碼,可能是有可能更好的解決方案。 但它仍值得一試。
, ;read character and store it in p1
------------------------------------------------ ;return ascii to Dec
< ;move pointer to p2 (second byte)
, ;read character and store it in p2
------------------------------------------------ ;return ascii to Dec
[ ; enter loop
- ; decrement p2
> ; move to p1
+ ; increment p1
< ; move to p2
] ; we exit the loop when the last cell is empty
> ;go back to p1
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;return Dec to ascii
. ;print p1
#Make the first cell (Cell 0) hold a value of 48
>++++ ++++
<++++ ++
#Get inputs and minus 48 from each to get Decimal
#Adds the contents of Cells 1 and 2
#Moves answer to Cell 0
#Converts answer to ASCII
>++++ ++++
<++++ ++
#Print answer
, writing input char in cell(0)
>, writing input char in cell(1)
>>++++++++[<++++++>-] writing 48/0x30/ASCII('0') in cell(2)
< go to cell(2)
[-<-<->>] subtract cell(2) from cell(1) and cell(2)
< go to cell(1)
[<+>-] calculating the sum
cell(0) = cell(0) plus cell(1); cell(1) = 0
< go to cell(0)
>[-]++++++++[>[-]<[->+<]>-]<<<<<<<<< here begins the converter code
this first line sets all cells between cell(1) and cell(9) to 0 (including!)
[->+<]> moving cell(0) to cell(1)
[>+<-<+>]> moving cell(1) to cell(0) and cell(2)
this ends up in copying cell(0) to cell(2)
[ here begins a complex loop
it doesn't end at the same cell as it starts
[ this is the output loop
it also doesn't end at the same cell as it starts
<<<<<<< this probably sets the pointer to 0
but I don't know if there are still values in some cells
非常感謝。這對我現在確實有意義。 – Yahoo
我經歷了一遍又一遍的代碼後,我意識到它只能用於單個值。right!我的意思是,如果結果是單值例如3 + 2 = 5就沒問題,但如果我們有類似4 + 6 = 10的東西,那麼情況會怎樣呢? – Yahoo
@Yahoo:是的,那是真的。這僅僅是一個例子。但是你總是可以擴展它以處理大於9的值。另外,請記住,打印一個多位數字本身需要一些思考,因爲你需要實現'n' putchars,其中'n'是位數總和。 – dirkgently