此方法使用ROW_NUMBER窗函數升序排序由類型分組的食用食品的數量,以確定吃得最少。如果存在平局,則將選擇最少的類型中的任意一個。使用RANK就像在@ htf的解決方案中發佈一樣,將返回所有關係。
select userid, type from (
select t3.userid, t2.type, count(*) as eaten,
row_number() over(partition by t3.userid order by count(t3.food) asc) AS r
from t3 join t2 on t3.food=t2.food
group by 1,2
) least
where r=1
select t1.name, least.type from (
select t3.userid, t2.type, count(*) as eaten,
row_number() over(partition by t3.userid order by count(t3.food) asc) AS r
from t3 join t2 on t3.food=t2.food
group by 1,2
) least
join t1 on t1.userid=least.userid
where least.r=1
with type_counts as (
select t3.userid, t2.type, count(*) as eaten,
from t3 join t2 on t3.food=t2.food
group by 1,2
select t1.username, tc.userid, tc.type
from type_counts tc
inner join (select userid, min(eaten) as eaten from type_counts group by 1) mintc
on tc.userid=mintc.userid and tc.eaten=mintc.eaten
inner join t1 on t1.userid=tc.userid
當你想要sql查詢時,請發佈一些示例數據和預期的結果,並告訴我們你儘可能地嘗試過了。 – Blank
t4包含解決方案。 – wildplasser
你不必重新發明輪子,這是一個典型的[標籤:最大n組]查詢(這裏有[很多解決方案](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/postgresql) + most-n-per-group?sort = votes)),只需要顛倒操作符以找到* least *,而不是* * *。 – pozs