參考問題Calculating the distance between atomic coordinates,其中輸入是在PDB計算距離文件
ATOM 920 CA GLN A 203 39.292 -13.354 17.416 1.00 55.76 C
ATOM 929 CA HIS A 204 38.546 -15.963 14.792 1.00 29.53 C
ATOM 939 CA ASN A 205 39.443 -17.018 11.206 1.00 54.49 C
ATOM 947 CA GLU A 206 41.454 -13.901 10.155 1.00 26.32 C
ATOM 956 CA VAL A 207 43.664 -14.041 13.279 1.00 40.65 C
ATOM 963 CA GLU A 208 45.403 -17.443 13.188 1.00 40.25 C
有an answer報告爲
use strict; use warnings; my @line; while (<>) { push @line, $_; # add line to buffer next if @line < 2; # skip unless buffer is full print proc(@line), "\n"; # process and print shift @line; # remove used line } sub proc { my @a = split ' ', shift; # line 1 my @b = split ' ', shift; # line 2 my $x = ($a[6]-$b[6]); # calculate the diffs my $y = ($a[7]-$b[7]); my $z = ($a[8]-$b[8]); my $dist = sprintf "%.1f", # format the number sqrt($x**2+$y**2+$z**2); # do the calculation return "$a[3]-$b[3]\t$dist"; # return the string for printing }
如何修改此代碼以查找第一個CA到其餘CA(2,3 ...)之間的距離,以及從第二個CA到其餘CA(3,4 ...)之間的距離以及是否僅打印那些低於5埃的? 我發現push @line, $_;
您的預期產出是多少? – ssr1012
GLN-HIS 「距離值」 GLN-ASN 「距離值」 GLN-GLU 「距離值」 ... HIS-ASN 「距離值」 HIS-GLU 「距離值」 HIS-VAL「距離值「 ... ASN-GLU」距離值「 ASN-VAL」距離值「 ...等等... @ ssr1012 –