我有這個表中,每一行捐贈出售:獲取每天前N行的蜂巢 - 等級()
sale_date salesman sale_item_id
20170102 JohnSmith 309
20170102 JohnSmith 292
20170103 AlexHam 93
SELECT sale_date, salesman, sale_count, row_num
SELECT sale_date, salesman,
count(*) as sale_count,
rank() over (partition by sale_date order by sale_count desc) as row_num
from salesforce.sales_data
) T
WHERE sale_date between '20170101' and '20170110'
and row_num <= 20
FAILED: SemanticException Failed to breakup Windowing invocations into Groups. At least 1 group must only depend on input columns. Also check for circular dependencies.
Underlying error: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.SemanticException: Line 5:35 Expression not in GROUP BY key 'sale_date'
我不知道在什麼時候該組將生效,但。有人可以幫忙嗎? TX!
謝謝@Gordon - 我現在得到了同樣的錯誤,但是「Expression not not in GROUP BY key'sale_count'」。 AFAIK別名不能用於分組子句中,但是對於它的問題,我將它添加到分組子句中並得到「無效的表別名或列引用'sale_count'」 – Craig
您不需要使用窗口函數組。 – hlagos
@lake 。 。 。如果排名在聚合上,您可以這樣做。 –