我正在嘗試創建一個新表,它是具有匹配主鍵的其他6個表的聚合總和。這一直拖延,如果我使用3個以上的輸入表:2-3表,但攤位上運行,否則當該腳本較快(< 5秒):Postgresql CREATE TABLE AS具有多個WHERE等號

CREATE TABLE table_name AS SELECT table1.timestamp, table1.value + table2.value + table3.value + table4.value AS value FROM table1, table2, table3, table4 WHERE table1.timestamp=table2.timestamp AND table2.timestamp=table3.timestamp AND table3.timestamp=table4.timestamp; 





PS:這裏是一個完整的 「EXPLAIN ANALYZE」 查詢的實際輸出:

eldb=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE CREATE TABLE test_table AS SELECT count1.timestamp, count 
1.year, count1.month, count1.day, count1.period, count1.the_value + count2.the_value + count 
3.the_value + count4.the_value + count5.the_value + count6.the_value AS the_value FROM "table_name-1" AS count 
1, "table_name-2" AS count2, "table_name-3" AS count3, "table_name-4" AS count4, 
"table_name-5" AS count5, "table_name-6" AS count6 WHERE count1.timestamp=count 
2.timestamp AND count2.timestamp=count3.timestamp AND count3.timestamp=count4.ti 
mestamp AND count4.timestamp=count5.timestamp AND count5.timestamp=count6.timest 
amp AND count1.timestamp>2012020000 AND count2.timestamp>2012020000 AND count3.t 
imestamp>2012020000 AND count4.timestamp>2012020000 and count5.timestamp>2012020 
000 AND count6.timestamp>2012020000; 
Merge Join (cost=20323.61..153806457715456.50 rows=5592655588099248 width=44) 
(actual time=84.524..3310.692 rows=3410 loops=1) 
    Merge Cond: (count1."timestamp" = count4."timestamp") 
    -> Nested Loop (cost=10161.80..4417379579.26 rows=1057606343 width=40) (act 
ual time=44.597..1616.585 rows=3410 loops=1) 
     Join Filter: (count2."timestamp" = count1."timestamp") 
     -> Merge Join (cost=10161.80..101480.96 rows=6070522 width=16) (actua 
l time=43.648..48.950 rows=3410 loops=1) 
       Merge Cond: (count2."timestamp" = count3."timestamp") 
       -> Sort (cost=5080.90..5168.01 rows=34844 width=8) (actual time 
=25.608..25.804 rows=3410 loops=1) 
        Sort Key: count2."timestamp" 
        Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 256kB 
        -> Seq Scan on "table_name-2" count2 (cost=0.00..1972.66 
rows=34844 width=8) (actual time=0.064..23.297 rows=3410 loops=1) 
          Filter: ("timestamp" > 2012020000) 
       -> Materialize (cost=5080.90..5255.12 rows=34844 width=8) (actu 
al time=18.030..19.847 rows=3410 loops=1) 
        -> Sort (cost=5080.90..5168.01 rows=34844 width=8) (actua 
l time=18.023..18.416 rows=3410 loops=1) 
          Sort Key: count3."timestamp" 
          Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 256kB 
          -> Seq Scan on "table_name-3" count3 (cost=0.00..19 
72.66 rows=34844 width=8) (actual time=0.023..16.294 rows=3410 loops=1) 
           Filter: ("timestamp" > 2012020000) 
     -> Materialize (cost=0.00..2351.88 rows=34844 width=24) (actual time= 
0.000..0.147 rows=3410 loops=3410) 
       -> Seq Scan on "table_name-1" count1 (cost=0.00..1972.66 rows=3 
4844 width=24) (actual time=0.020..16.853 rows=3410 loops=1) 
        Filter: ("timestamp" > 2012020000) 
    -> Materialize (cost=10161.80..4007228099.11 rows=1057606343 width=24) (act 
ual time=39.917..1687.402 rows=3410 loops=1) 
     -> Nested Loop (cost=10161.80..4004584083.26 rows=1057606343 width=24 
) (actual time=39.915..1685.956 rows=3410 loops=1) 
       Join Filter: (count4."timestamp" = count6."timestamp") 
       -> Merge Join (cost=10161.80..101480.96 rows=6070522 width=16) 
(actual time=38.689..44.309 rows=3410 loops=1) 
        Merge Cond: (count4."timestamp" = count5."timestamp") 
        -> Sort (cost=5080.90..5168.01 rows=34844 width=8) (actua 
l time=18.960..19.156 rows=3410 loops=1) 
          Sort Key: count4."timestamp" 
          Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 256kB 
          -> Seq Scan on "table_name-4" count4 (cost=0.00..19 
72.66 rows=34844 width=8) (actual time=0.059..17.271 rows=3410 loops=1) 
           Filter: ("timestamp" > 2012020000) 
        -> Materialize (cost=5080.90..5255.12 rows=34844 width=8) 
(actual time=19.717..21.826 rows=3410 loops=1) 
          -> Sort (cost=5080.90..5168.01 rows=34844 width=8) 
(actual time=19.708..20.266 rows=3410 loops=1) 
           Sort Key: count5."timestamp" 
           Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 256kB 
           -> Seq Scan on "table_name-5" count5 (cost=0. 
00..1972.66 rows=34844 width=8) (actual time=0.034..18.001 rows=3410 loops=1) 
             Filter: ("timestamp" > 2012020000) 
       -> Materialize (cost=0.00..2283.88 rows=34844 width=8) (actual 
time=0.000..0.148 rows=3410 loops=3410) 
        -> Seq Scan on "table_name-6" count6 (cost=0.00..1972.66 
rows=34844 width=8) (actual time=0.036..17.785 rows=3410 loops=1) 
          Filter: ("timestamp" > 2012020000) 
Total runtime: 3330.933 ms 
(40 rows) 


CREATE TABLE "table_name-6" 
"timestamp" integer NOT NULL, 
year integer NOT NULL, 
month integer NOT NULL, 
day integer NOT NULL, 
period integer NOT NULL, 
the_value real, 
CONSTRAINT "table_name-6_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("timestamp") 



你想什麼如果一個特定的密鑰只存在於四個表中的一箇中,會發生什麼? – wildplasser


我不希望該密鑰被包含在新表中(即完全跳過)。 (ps:感謝您的快速響應!) – TimY


時間戳是每個tableX的主鍵?你有索引嗎? BTW「時間戳」是PG中的保留字(類型)。最好避免它們作爲標識符。順便說一句:請添加一個查詢計劃。您可以在查詢前加上「解釋分析」來獲得。 – wildplasser



set search_path='tmp'; 

SET random_page_cost=1; 

CREATE TABLE table_name1 
     (ztimestamp integer NOT NULL 
     , year integer NOT NULL 
     , month integer NOT NULL 
     , day integer NOT NULL 
     , period integer NOT NULL 
     , the_value real 
     , CONSTRAINT table_name1_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ztimestamp) 
     ) ; 

CREATE TABLE table_name2 
     (ztimestamp integer NOT NULL 
     , year integer NOT NULL 
     , month integer NOT NULL 
     , day integer NOT NULL 
     , period integer NOT NULL 
     , the_value real 
     , CONSTRAINT table_name2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ztimestamp) 
     ) ; 

... similar for 3,4,5,6 ... 

INSERT INTO table_name1(ztimestamp,year,month,day,period,the_value) 
SELECT generate_series(1,2000), 0,0,0,0, 1.0; 
INSERT INTO table_name2 SELECT * FROM table_name1; 
INSERT INTO table_name3 SELECT * FROM table_name1; 
INSERT INTO table_name4 SELECT * FROM table_name1; 
INSERT INTO table_name5 SELECT * FROM table_name1; 
INSERT INTO table_name6 SELECT * FROM table_name1; 

CREATE TABLE test_table AS 
SELECT c1.ztimestamp, c1.year, c1.month, c1.day, c1.period 
     , c1.the_value + c2.the_value + c3.the_value + c4.the_value 
     + c5.the_value + c6.the_value AS the_value 
FROM table_name1 AS c1 
     , table_name2 AS c2 
     , table_name3 AS c3 
     , table_name4 AS c4 
     , table_name5 AS c5 
     , table_name6 AS c6 
WHERE c1.ztimestamp=c2.ztimestamp 
AND c2.ztimestamp=c3.ztimestamp 
AND c3.ztimestamp=c4.ztimestamp 
AND c4.ztimestamp=c5.ztimestamp 
AND c5.ztimestamp=c6.ztimestamp 

結果& &計劃:INSERT 0 2000

INSERT 0 2000 
INSERT 0 2000 
INSERT 0 2000 
INSERT 0 2000 
INSERT 0 2000 
INSERT 0 2000 
                       QUERY PLAN                    
Merge Join (cost=0.00..475.93 rows=1963 width=44) (actual time=0.066..11.840 rows=2000 loops=1) 
    Merge Cond: (c1.ztimestamp = c6.ztimestamp) 
    -> Merge Join (cost=0.00..371.26 rows=1963 width=56) (actual time=0.052..8.706 rows=2000 loops=1) 
     Merge Cond: (c1.ztimestamp = c5.ztimestamp) 
     -> Merge Join (cost=0.00..291.12 rows=1963 width=48) (actual time=0.042..6.752 rows=2000 loops=1) 
       Merge Cond: (c1.ztimestamp = c4.ztimestamp) 
       -> Merge Join (cost=0.00..210.98 rows=1963 width=40) (actual time=0.033..4.751 rows=2000 loops=1) 
        Merge Cond: (c1.ztimestamp = c3.ztimestamp) 
        -> Merge Join (cost=0.00..130.84 rows=1963 width=32) (actual time=0.022..2.903 rows=2000 loops=1) 
          Merge Cond: (c1.ztimestamp = c2.ztimestamp) 
          -> Index Scan using table_name1_pkey on table_name1 c1 (cost=0.00..50.70 rows=1963 width=24) (actual time=0.009..0.609 rows=2000 loops=1) 
          -> Index Scan using table_name2_pkey on table_name2 c2 (cost=0.00..50.70 rows=1963 width=8) (actual time=0.010..0.756 rows=2000 loops=1) 
        -> Index Scan using table_name3_pkey on table_name3 c3 (cost=0.00..50.70 rows=1963 width=8) (actual time=0.010..0.718 rows=2000 loops=1) 
       -> Index Scan using table_name4_pkey on table_name4 c4 (cost=0.00..50.70 rows=1963 width=8) (actual time=0.009..0.758 rows=2000 loops=1) 
     -> Index Scan using table_name5_pkey on table_name5 c5 (cost=0.00..50.70 rows=1963 width=8) (actual time=0.010..0.696 rows=2000 loops=1) 
    -> Index Scan using table_name6_pkey on table_name6 c6 (cost=0.00..50.70 rows=1963 width=8) (actual time=0.008..1.044 rows=2000 loops=1) 
Total runtime: 70.201 ms 
(17 rows) 


CREATE TABLE test_table AS 
SELECT c1.ztimestamp, c1.year, c1.month, c1.day, c1.period 
     , c1.the_value + c2.the_value + c3.the_value + c4.the_value 
     + c5.the_value + c6.the_value AS the_value 
FROM table_name1 AS c1 
JOIN table_name2 AS c2 ON c1.ztimestamp=c2.ztimestamp 
JOIN table_name3 AS c3 ON c2.ztimestamp=c3.ztimestamp 
JOIN table_name4 AS c4 ON c3.ztimestamp=c4.ztimestamp 
JOIN table_name5 AS c5 ON c4.ztimestamp=c5.ztimestamp 
JOIN table_name6 AS c6 ON c5.ztimestamp=c6.ztimestamp 