2013-03-01 43 views

我是新來的新手,一般編碼!這是令人興奮的學習,但一如既往枯燥乏味。我正在編寫一個程序,一個字符需要解決一個迷宮。我沒有在這裏接近完成,但由於某種原因,我在任何長度超過3的數組上出現越界異常。我不知道爲什麼。有測試案例,你可以看到成功的小迷宮打印,但是,當我嘗試一個更大的迷宮,我得到一個越界異常。出界異常 - 二維數組迷宮


import java.awt.Point; 

public class Maze 
    final char WALL = 'x'; 
    final char BOT = 'r'; 
    final char FREE = ' '; 

    private String[] maze; 
    private Point position; 
    private boolean[][] mazeWalls; 

    public Maze(String[] strings) // constructor to create maze from main as a 2D array 
     maze = strings; 
     mazeWalls = new boolean[strings[0].length()][strings.length]; 
      for (int i = 0; i < mazeWalls.length; i++) 
       for (int j = 0; j < mazeWalls[0].length; j++) 
        if (strings[i].charAt(j) == WALL) // this is where it shows the out of bounds error on m[3] or m[4] 
         mazeWalls[j][i] = true; 

        else if (strings[i].charAt(j) == BOT) 
         position = new Point(i, j); 

    public static void main (String[] args) 
     Maze m; 
     /*m = new Maze(new String[] { 
     m = new Maze(new String[] { 
       "x x"}); 
     m = new Maze(new String[] { 
       "xr  ", 
     m = new Maze(new String[] { 
       "xr x", 
       "x x", 
       "x ", 
       "x x", 
       "x x", 
     /*m = new Maze(new String[] { 
     "xr r     x      x", 
     "x     x      x", 
     "x x    x      ", 
     "x x    x      x", 
     "x x    x      x", 
     "x x    x      x", 
     "x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    x", 
     "x x          x", 
     "x x          x", 
     "x x          x", 
     "x x          x", 
     "x x          x", 
     "x x          x", 
     "x x          x", 
     "x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 
     "x x          x", 
     "x x          x", 
     "x x          x", 
     "x           x", 
     "x           x", 
     "x           x", 
       Robot r = new RandomBot(); 
      // Robot r = new RightHandBot(); 

       int c = 0; 
       while (!m.isRobotOnEdge()) 
        Point move = r.getMove(m); 
        System.out.println("Step Count: " + c); 
        try { 
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {} 

    public void moveTo(Point p) 
     /*for (int i = 0; i < mazeWalls.length; i++) 
      for (int j = 0; j < mazeWalls[0].length; j++) 
       if (maze[i].charAt(j) == BOT) 
        position = p; 

    public Point getPoint() 
     return (Point)position.clone(); 

    public boolean wallObject(Point p) 
     return wallHere(position.x, position.y); 

    public boolean wallHere(int x, int y) 
     return x < 0 || x >= mazeWalls.length || y < 0 || y >= mazeWalls[0].length || mazeWalls[x][y]; 

    public boolean isRobotOnEdge() 
       if (position.x == mazeWalls.length - 1 || position.y == mazeWalls[0].length - 1 || position.x == 0 || position.y == 0) 
        return true; 
     return false; 

    public String toString() 
     String s = ""; 
      for (int j = 0; j < mazeWalls.length; j++) 
       for (int i = 0; i < mazeWalls[0].length; i++) 
        if (i == position.x && j == position.y) 
         s += BOT; 
        else if (mazeWalls[i][j] == true) 
         s += WALL; 
         s += FREE; 
      s += "\n"; 

     return s; 

喜,歡迎來到StackOverflow!你能指出我們到哪裏你得到一個索引越界異常嗎?不是數字,而是線的內容供參考。你可能要考慮的一件事是SSCCE:http://sscce.org/ – 2013-03-01 01:08:50



你正在翻譯一維數組String到2D boolean陣,但目標數組的大小是南轅北轍。行數&列是不同的,所以它關係到二維數組的大小。看看這個:

      ROWS    COLUMNS 
mazeWalls = new boolean[strings[0].length()][strings.length]; 


mazeWalls = new boolean[strings.length][strings[0].length()]; 


mazeWalls[j][i] = true; 


mazeWalls[i][j] = true; 

非常感謝!我其實只是自己想出來的。問題在於我的導師告訴我切換它們,讓我感到困惑。無論如何,非常感謝!現在我已經過去了,我可以試着弄清楚如何讓這個字符在迷宮中移動! – user2120955 2013-03-01 19:16:20


有什麼建議嗎? – user2120955 2013-03-01 20:37:43


將1D'String'數組視爲2D數組。使用數組索引和'String#charAt'作爲'i'&'j'索引/合作伙伴。跟蹤當前這些行和列的座標,添加牆壁檢查。祝你好運! – Reimeus 2013-03-01 21:12:11