data(Ozone, package="mlbench")
Data <- na.omit(Ozone)
# Setup the data for cross-validation
K = 5 # 5-fold cross-validation
fold_inds <- sample(1:K, nrow(Data), replace = TRUE)
lst_CV_data <- lapply(1:K, function(i) list(
train_data = Data[fold_inds != i, , drop = FALSE],
test_data = Data[fold_inds == i, , drop = FALSE]))
# Given the values of parameters 'cost', 'gamma' and 'epsilon', return the rmse of the model over the test data
evalParams <- function(train_data, test_data, cost, gamma, epsilon) {
# Train
model <- svm(V4 ~ ., data = train_data, cost = cost, gamma = gamma, epsilon = epsilon, type = "eps-regression", kernel = "radial")
# Test
rmse <- mean((predict(model, newdata = test_data) - test_data$V4)^2)
return (rmse)
# Fitness function (to be maximized)
# Parameter vector x is: (cost, gamma, epsilon)
fitnessFunc <- function(x, Lst_CV_Data) {
# Retrieve the SVM parameters
cost_val <- x[1]
gamma_val <- x[2]
epsilon_val <- x[3]
# Use cross-validation to estimate the RMSE for each split of the dataset
rmse_vals <- sapply(Lst_CV_Data, function(in_data) with(in_data,
evalParams(train_data, test_data, cost_val, gamma_val, epsilon_val)))
# As fitness measure, return minus the average rmse (over the cross-validation folds),
# so that by maximizing fitness we are minimizing the rmse
return (-mean(rmse_vals))
# Range of the parameter values to be tested
# Parameters are: (cost, gamma, epsilon)
theta_min <- c(cost = 1e-4, gamma = 1e-3, epsilon = 1e-2)
theta_max <- c(cost = 10, gamma = 2, epsilon = 2)
# Run the genetic algorithm
results <- ga(type = "real-valued", fitness = fitnessFunc, lst_CV_data,
names = names(theta_min),
min = theta_min, max = theta_max,
popSize = 50, maxiter = 10)
GA results:
Iterations = 100
Fitness function value = -14.66315
Solution =
cost gamma epsilon
[1,] 2.643109 0.07910103 0.09864132
我可以告訴你它對我意味着多少......非常感謝你〜! – jihoon
非常感謝!該代碼正在爲臭氧數據工作。但是,如果我從臭氧數據中刪除了一些行,或者如果我更改了特定列中的數字,則它不起作用,並且它會給出「Forecast.svm中的錯誤(ret,xhold,decision.values = TRUE): Model is empty !」錯誤。我該如何解決這個問題? –