Customer Table Hierarchy Table
Pty Amount SID Parent Child
100 10 01 1 2
200 20 02 2 3
100 20 03 3 100
1 200
我想獲得總父交易金額,但父母並沒有在客戶表中的任何 數據。如何僅通過使用層次結構查詢來映射兩個表,並將所有子元素的值獲取到父級。
我當前的查詢如下但是,如果你想找到一個特定的父母只是取消註釋START WITH總和不爲我的目的適當
Select Sum(c.amount),c.pty from customer c
right outer join hierarchy h on c.pty=h.child
where h.parent in (select (m.child) as parent from hierarchy m
Connect By Prior child=parent
start with m.child=1
) group by c.pty
Result is as follows:
Amount Pty
30 2
null 1
But When I pass 1 as parameter I should get
Amount Pty
50 1
When 2 is passed to the query, the result should be
Amount Pty
30 2
解釋規則的輸出。 – 2014-11-06 07:00:17