2012-11-24 95 views

Matrix Multiplication in python?Python的乘法


C = [[4,1,9], [6,2,8], [7,3,5]] 
D = [[2,9], [5,2], [1,0]] 
for i in range(len(C)): 
     for j in range(len(D[0])): 
      for k in range(len(D[0])): 
print (M) 

那不可能運行。什麼是Z? – Whatang


結果應該是[[22,38],[30,58],[34,69]],但是我的結果是[[13,38],[22,58],[29,69]] – user1718826


@Whatang這應該是M. – user1718826



Here is other version using numpy


# matrices.py 
# This optional case study solves each of the following problems. Each 
# solution uses the solutions to the preceding problems. 

# 1) Multiply two matrices 
# 2) Invert a matrix 
# 3) Solve a system of linear equations 
# 4) Fit an exact polynomial to a list of points 
# 5) Find the coefficients of the polynomial for a power sum 

# This last problem needs a little explaining. Consider this power sum: 
# 1 + 2 + ... + n. We know this equals n(n+1)/2. We can represent this 
# quadratic function by its coefficients alone, as [1/2, 1/2, 0] (ignoring 
# integer division in this explanation). 

# Now, the sum of the squares is: 1**2 + 2**2 + ... + n**2. This is a cubic 
# equation. It happens to be [1/3, 1/2, 1/6, 0]. That is: 
# 1**2 + ... + n**2 = (1/3)n**3 + (1/2)n**2 + (1/6)n 

# In fact, for positive integer k, 1**k + ... + n**k is a (k+1)-degree 
# polynomial. The problem we are solving is to write a function which takes 
# this number k, and returns the coefficients of that polynomial. 

# Also, our approach for matrix multiplication needs some slight explaining. 
# We basically use Gauss-Jordan Elimination to get reduced row echelon form 
# while applying the same elementary row operations to an identity matrix -- in 
# so doing, the identity matrix is transformed into the inverse of the original 
# matrix. Amazing! 

import copy 
from fractions import Fraction 

def copyMatrix(m): 
    return copy.deepcopy(m) 

def makeIdentity(n): 
    result = make2dList(n,n) 
    for i in xrange(n): 
     result[i][i] = Fraction(1, 1) 
    return result 

def testMakeIdentity(): 
    print "Testing makeIdentity...", 
    i3 = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]] 
    assert(i3 == makeIdentity(3)) 
    print "Passed!" 

def multiplyMatrices(a, b): 
    # confirm dimensions 
    aRows = len(a) 
    aCols = len(a[0]) 
    bRows = len(b) 
    bCols = len(b[0]) 
    assert(aCols == bRows) # belongs in a contract 
    rows = aRows 
    cols = bCols 
    # create the result matrix c = a*b 
    c = make2dList(rows, cols) 
    # now find each value in turn in the result matrix 
    for row in xrange(rows): 
     for col in xrange(cols): 
      dotProduct = Fraction(0, 1) 
      for i in xrange(aCols): 
       dotProduct += a[row][i]*b[i][col] 
      c[row][col] = dotProduct 
    return c 

def testMultiplyMatrices(): 
    print "Testing multiplyMatrices...", 
    a = [ [ 1, 2, 3], 
      [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] 
    b = [ [ 0, 3], 
      [ 1, 4], 
      [ 2, 5] ] 
    c = [ [ 8, 26], 
      [17, 62 ] ] 
    observedC = multiplyMatrices(a, b) 
    assert(observedC == c) 
    print "Passed!" 

def multiplyRowOfSquareMatrix(m, row, k): 
    n = len(m) 
    rowOperator = makeIdentity(n) 
    rowOperator[row][row] = k 
    return multiplyMatrices(rowOperator, m) 

def testMultiplyRowOfSquareMatrix(): 
    print "Testing multiplyRowOfSquareMatrix...", 
    a = [ [ 1, 2 ], 
      [ 4, 5 ] ] 
    assert(multiplyRowOfSquareMatrix(a, 0, 5) == [[5, 10], [4, 5]]) 
    assert(multiplyRowOfSquareMatrix(a, 1, 6) == [[1, 2], [24, 30]]) 
    print "Passed!" 

def addMultipleOfRowOfSquareMatrix(m, sourceRow, k, targetRow): 
    # add k * sourceRow to targetRow of matrix m 
    n = len(m) 
    rowOperator = makeIdentity(n) 
    rowOperator[targetRow][sourceRow] = k 
    return multiplyMatrices(rowOperator, m) 

def testAddMultipleOfRowOfSquareMatrix(): 
    print "Testing addMultipleOfRowOfSquareMatrix...", 
    a = [ [ 1, 2 ], 
      [ 4, 5 ] ] 
    assert(addMultipleOfRowOfSquareMatrix(a, 0, 5, 1) == [[1, 2], [9, 15]]) 
    assert(addMultipleOfRowOfSquareMatrix(a, 1, 6, 0) == [[25, 32], [4, 5]]) 
    print "Passed!" 

def invertMatrix(m): 
    n = len(m) 
    assert(len(m) == len(m[0])) 
    inverse = makeIdentity(n) # this will BECOME the inverse eventually 
    for col in xrange(n): 
     # 1. make the diagonal contain a 1 
     diagonalRow = col 
     assert(m[diagonalRow][col] != 0) # @TODO: actually, we could swap rows 
             # here, or if no other row has a 0 in 
             # this column, then we have a singular 
             # (non-invertible) matrix. Let's not 
             # worry about that for now. :-) 
     k = Fraction(1,m[diagonalRow][col]) 
     m = multiplyRowOfSquareMatrix(m, diagonalRow, k) 
     inverse = multiplyRowOfSquareMatrix(inverse, diagonalRow, k) 
     # 2. use the 1 on the diagonal to make everything else 
     # in this column a 0 
     sourceRow = diagonalRow 
     for targetRow in xrange(n): 
      if (sourceRow != targetRow): 
       k = -m[targetRow][col] 
       m = addMultipleOfRowOfSquareMatrix(m, sourceRow, k, targetRow) 
       inverse = addMultipleOfRowOfSquareMatrix(inverse, sourceRow, 
                 k, targetRow) 
    # that's it! 
    return inverse 

def testInvertMatrix(): 
    print "Testing invertMatrix...", 
    a = [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 4, 5 ] ] 
    aInverse = invertMatrix(a) 
    identity = makeIdentity(len(a)) 
    assert (almostEqualMatrices(identity, multiplyMatrices(a, aInverse))) 
    a = [ [ 1, 2, 3], [ 2, 5, 7 ], [3, 4, 8 ] ] 
    aInverse = invertMatrix(a) 
    identity = makeIdentity(len(a)) 
    assert (almostEqualMatrices(identity, multiplyMatrices(a, aInverse))) 
    print "Passed!" 

def solveSystemOfEquations(A, b): 
    return multiplyMatrices(invertMatrix(A), b) 

def testSolveSystemOfEquations(): 
    print "Testing solveSystemOfEquations...", 
    # 3x + 2y - 2z = 10 
    # 2x - 4y + 8z = 0 
    # 4x + 4y - 7z = 13 
    # x = 2, y = 3, z = 1 
    A = [ [3, 2, -2], 
      [2, -4, 8], 
      [4, 4, -7] ] 
    b = [ [ 10 ], 
      [ 0 ], 
      [ 13 ] ] 
    observedX = solveSystemOfEquations(A,b) 
    expectedX = [ [ 2 ], 
        [ 3 ], 
        [ 1 ] ] 
    assert(almostEqualMatrices(observedX, expectedX)) 
    print "Passed!" 

def fitExactPolynomial(pointList): 
    n = len(pointList) 
    degree = n - 1 
    # 1. make A 
    A = make2dList(n,n) 
    for row in xrange(n): 
     for col in xrange(n): 
      x = pointList[row][0] 
      exponent = degree - col 
      A[row][col] = x**exponent 
    # 2. make b 
    b = make2dList(n,1) 
    for row in xrange(n): 
     y = pointList[row][1] 
     b[row][0] = y 
    # use system solver to find solution 
    return solveSystemOfEquations(A, b) 

def testFitExactPolynomial(): 
    print "Testing fitPolynomialExactly...", 
    def f(x): return 3*x**3 + 2*x**2 + 4*x + 1 
    expected = [[3], [2], [4], [1]] 
    pointList = [(1,f(1)), (2,f(2)), (5,f(5)), (-3,f(-3))] 
    observed = fitExactPolynomial(pointList) 
    assert(almostEqualMatrices(observed, expected))  
    print "Passed!" 

def findCoefficientsOfPowerSum(k): 
    # Assume f(n) = 1**k + ... + n**k 
    # We argued by handwaving-ish-calculusy-stuff that f(n) is 
    # a polynomial of degree (k+1) 
    # We need (k+2) points to fit just such a polynomial 
    pointList = [] 
    y = 0  
    for n in xrange(1,k+3): 
     x = Fraction(n, 1) 
     # y = 1**k + ... + n**k 
     y += x**k 
     pointList += [(x,y)] 
    return fitExactPolynomial(pointList) 

def testFindCoefficientsOfPowerSum(): 
    print "Testing findCoefficientsOfPowerSum..." 
    # Not a formal test here, just printing the answers. 
    # Check here for expected values: 
    # http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PowerSum.html 
    for k in xrange(10): 
     print "k = %d:" % k, 
    print "Passed!" 

def almostEqualMatrices(m1, m2): 
    # verifies each element in the two matrices are almostEqual to each other 
    # (and that the two matrices have the same dimensions). 
    if (len(m1) != len(m2)): return False 
    if (len(m1[0]) != len(m2[0])): return False 
    for row in xrange(len(m1)): 
     for col in xrange(len(m1[0])): 
      if not almostEqual(m1[row][col], m2[row][col]): 
       return False 
    return True 

def almostEqual(d1, d2): 
    epsilon = 0.00001 
    return abs(d1 - d2) < epsilon 

def make2dList(rows, cols): 
    for row in xrange(rows): a += [[0]*cols] 
    return a 

def printMatrix(a): 
    def valueStr(value): 
     if (isinstance(value, Fraction)): 
      (num, den) = (value.numerator, value.denominator) 
      if ((num == 0) or (den == 1)): return str(num) 
      else: return str(num) + "/" + str(den) 
      return str(value) 
    def maxItemLength(a): 
     maxLen = 0 
     rows = len(a) 
     cols = len(a[0]) 
     for row in xrange(rows): 
      for col in xrange(cols): 
       maxLen = max(maxLen, len(valueStr(a[row][col]))) 
     return maxLen 
    if (a == []): 
     # So we don't crash accessing a[0] 
     print [] 
    rows = len(a) 
    cols = len(a[0]) 
    fieldWidth = maxItemLength(a) 
    print "[", 
    for row in xrange(rows): 
     if (row > 0) and (len(a[row-1]) > 1): print "\n ", 
     print "[", 
     for col in xrange(cols): 
      if (col > 0): print ",", 
      # The next 2 lines print a[row][col] with the given fieldWidth 
      format = "%" + str(fieldWidth) + "s" 
      print format % valueStr(a[row][col]), 
     print "]", 
    print "]" 

def main(): 


這段代碼總是使得'Fraction'實例的值的矩陣,這可能不是所希望的。爲了避免這種情況,你可以在乘法代碼中做'dotProduct = sum(a [row] [i] * b [i] [col] for i in xrange(aCols))',它應該保留傳遞的矩陣的類型in(因此,將兩個矩陣與「int」值相乘會得出結果,誰的值也是int)。 – Blckknght


是的,我添加了一個包含numpy的版本 – cMinor



C = [[4,1,9], [6,2,8], [7,3,5]] 
D = [[2,9], [5,2], [1,0]] 

assert(len(C[0]) == len(D))  # sanity check! 
for i in range(len(C)): 
    for j in range(len(D[0])): 
     for k in range(len(D)): # fixed value 
print (M) 

OMG,只是改變for k in range(len(D[0])):DC。該計劃將起作用。感謝你們!