2016-12-04 87 views





constraint forall(b in 1..total) %default 
    forall(x,y in 1..n) 
     (Type(TypeOf[b], 1) /\ Loc(b,x,y) /\ Rot(b, 1) /\ not Ref(b) /\ (y+3<=n)) 
     -> (Has(x,y,b) /\ Has(x,y+1,b) /\ Has(x,y+2,b) /\ Has(x,y+3,b)) 

這個約束應該去通過所提供的所有塊的第一(4「L」塊),然後通過實際的板循環地發現: 如果當前塊是類型1(類型「l」),並且其原點位於x,y,並且它具有1的旋轉(因此在這種情況下不旋轉),並且它不被反射,並且它具有多於3那麼它必須在x,y,y + 1,y + 2和y + 3處具有第一個塊。


4 4 4 4 
3 2 2 2 
2 1 1 1 
1 3 3 3 

0 0 0 0 
1 1 1 1 
0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 




include "globals.mzn"; 
include "builtins.mzn"; 

%Given variables 
int: n; %length of board size 
set of int: ROW = 1..n; 
int: m=n; %number of columns 
set of int: COL = 1..m; 

%Number of starting tetrominoes 
int: nR; %ID 1 for R 
int: nS; %ID 2 for S 
int: nT; %ID 3 for T 
int: nL; %ID 4 for L 
int: total = nR+nS+nT+nL; 

array[int] of int: R = [ 1 | i in 1..nR]; 
array[int] of int: S = [ 2 | i in 1..nS]; 
array[int] of int: T = [ 3 | i in 1..nT]; 
array[int] of int: L = [ 4 | i in 1..nL]; 
array[int] of int: TypeOf = R++S++T++L; %Array of all blocks 

%Decision Variables 
array[1..n*n] of var 1..total: board; %Stored via (y-1)*n+x, using 1D array for ease of access. 
array[1..n*n] of var 0..4: loc; %A separate location board that maps the origin point of each block 
array[1..total] of var 1..4: rot; %Block rotations 
array[1..total] of var 0..1: ref; %Block reflections 

constraint total*4 == n*n; 
constraint 0 <= nR /\ nR <= n /\ 0 <= nS /\ nS <= n /\ 0 <= nT /\ nT<= n /\ 0 <= nL /\ nL <= n; 
constraint forall(i in 1..total)(TypeOf[i] == 1 \/ TypeOf[i] == 2 \/ TypeOf[i] ==3 \/ TypeOf[i] == 4); 
constraint count(TypeOf, 1, nR)/\count(TypeOf,2,nS)/\count(TypeOf,3,nT)/\count(TypeOf,4,nL); 

predicate Has(int: x, int: y, int: b) = board[(y-1)*n+x] == b; 
predicate IsBlock(int: b) = b == 1 \/ b==2 \/ b==3 \/ b==4; 

predicate Loc(int: b, int: x, int: y) = loc[(y-1)*n+x] == TypeOf[b]; 
predicate Type(int: b, int: x) = b == x; 
predicate Ref(int: i) = ref[i] == 1; 
predicate Rot(int: i, int: amt) = rot[i] == amt; 

%Block type 1 ---- 
constraint forall(b in 1..total) %default 
    forall(x,y in 1..n) 
     (Type(TypeOf[b], 1) /\ Loc(b,x,y) /\ Rot(b, 1) /\ not Ref(b) /\ (y+3<=n)) 
     -> (Has(x,y,b) /\ Has(x,y+1,b) /\ Has(x,y+2,b) /\ Has(x,y+3,b)) 

% constraint forall(b in 1..total) %90 degrees counterclockwise 
% (
% forall(x in 1..n) 
% (
%  forall(y in 1..n) 
%  (
%  ((Type(Blocks[b], 1) /\ Loc(b,x,y) /\ Rot(b, 2) /\ not Ref(b) /\ (x+3<=n)) -> 
%  (Has(x,y,b) /\ Has(x+1,y,b) /\ Has(x+2, y, b) /\ Has(x+3, y, b))) 
% ) 
% ) 
% constraint forall(b in 1..total) %180 degrees counterclockwise 
% (
% forall(x in 1..n) 
% (
%  forall(y in 1..n) 
%  (
%  ((Type(Blocks[b], 1) /\ Loc(b,x,y) /\ Rot(b, 3) /\ not Ref(b) /\ (y-3>=1)) -> 
%  (Has(x,y,b) /\ Has(x,y-1,b) /\ Has(x, y-2, b) /\ Has(x, y-3, b))) 
% ) 
% ) 
% constraint forall(b in 1..total) %270 degrees counterclockwise 
% (
% forall(x in 1..n) 
% (
%  forall(y in 1..n) 
%  (
%  ((Type(Blocks[b], 1) /\ Loc(b,x,y) /\ Rot(b, 4) /\ not Ref(b) /\ (x-3>=1)) -> 
%  (Has(x,y,b) /\ Has(x-1,y,b) /\ Has(x-2, y, b) /\ Has(x-3, y, b))) 
% ) 
% ) 

% Make sure loc board doesn't have more blocks of each type than given 
constraint count(loc, 1, nR)/\count(loc,2,nS)/\count(loc,3,nT)/\count(loc,4,nL); 

% % Make sure each block in board is only used once 
constraint forall(x in 1..total)(count(board, x, 4)); 

% Make sure board contains valid blocks 
constraint forall(x in 1..n) 
    forall(y in 1..n) 
    exists(b in 1..4)(IsBlock(b) /\ Has(x,y,b)) 

solve satisfy; 
    "board: \n"]++[ 
    show(board[(c-1)*n+p]) ++ 
    if p == n then "\n" else " " endif 

    | c in ROW, p in COL 
    "\n loc: \n"]++[ 
    show(loc[(c-1)*n+p]) ++ 
    if p == n then "\n" else " " endif 

    | c in ROW, p in COL 
    ++["\n rot: \n" ++ show(rot)]; 

我懷疑'Loc()'函數是通用的。它只檢查相同類型的塊位於檢查位置;這允許可以允許任何相同類型的塊位於連續字段上。 (請注意,您也有函數訪問數據越界,這是非常糟糕的建模實踐,因爲某些求解器可能會因此而崩潰) – Dekker


我對Minizinc(字面意思是我的第一個項目)非常陌生。你會如何解釋數組越界?我從1到數組長度檢查,我看不出如何會造成問題。感謝您的幫助,我將修改Loc()函數。你有什麼建議如何解決這個問題?我想要的實現方式是廢止Loc,並將所有的點信息放在實際板上的二維數組中,但我不知道如何在二維數組上使用count()等函數,所以我必須用這些做:/再次感謝! –




  • 使用參數/變量而不是函數。 (函數和謂詞在MiniZinc中用於表示更復雜的概念;不適用於數組訪問。)
  • 使用元素約束來集成位置和電路板變量。
  • 刪除冗餘變量(我不知道他們中的一些做了什麼)。


%% Parameters 
% Board 
int: width = 4; 
set of int: COLUMNS = 1..width; 
int: height = 4; 
set of int: ROWS = 1..height; 

% Tetrominoes 
int: nr_shapes = 1; 
set of int: SHAPES = 1..nr_shapes; 
int: nr_I_shapes = 4; 
int: I = 1; 
set of int: BLOCKS = 1..sum([nr_I_shapes]); 
array[BLOCKS] of SHAPES: TYPE = [ I | x in 1..nr_I_shapes]; 

%% Variables 
% Block location 
array[BLOCKS] of var COLUMNS: loc_x; 
array[BLOCKS] of var ROWS: loc_y; 

% Board 
array[COLUMNS, ROWS] of var BLOCKS: board; 

%% Constraints 
% I block constraint (Inclusive channeling) 
constraint forall (b in BLOCKS) 
    if TYPE[b] = I then 
    board[loc_x[b], loc_y[b]] = b /\ board[loc_x[b]+1, loc_y[b]] = b /\ 
    board[loc_x[b]+2, loc_y[b]] = b /\ board[loc_x[b]+3, loc_y[b]] = b 

solve satisfy; 
    "board: \n"]++[ 
    show(board[c,r]) ++ 
    if c = width then "\n" else " " endif 
    | r in ROWS, c in COLUMNS 
    ] ++ ["\nlocations:\n"] ++ 
    [ "loc \(b): \(loc_x[b]), \(loc_y[b])\n" | b in BLOCKS]; 


  • 在板空的地方。
  • 旋轉塊。

嗨,非常感謝您的幫助!你清理好的代碼看起來更清晰。 我對這條線感到困惑:形狀的數組[BLOCKS]:TYPE = [如果b <= nr_I_shapes那麼我也是1 endif | b in BLOCKS]; 請您詳細說明一下嗎?如果塊b小於或等於I形狀的數量? –


這個數組是你的TypeOf數組的縮寫版本。我不想分割線。如果你打算添加多種類型,最終的方法可能會更有見地,儘管我認爲你不需要保證中間結果。我在答案中改變了它。 – Dekker


我現在看到!我對符號不太熟悉,所以我不太明白髮生了什麼。再次感謝您的幫助。如果你還在這裏,我還有最後一個問題。我正在嘗試實施各種旋轉。什麼是最好的方法來做到這一點?我正在嘗試(..locations ../ \ rotation [b] = 0)\ /(..locations ../\ rotation [b] = 1)這就是說:「這個位置設置爲0 ,或該位置設置爲旋轉2.這是行不通的,因爲我試圖實施「⊥」塊,但我得到「Unsatisfiable」。你有什麼建議? –