2017-08-13 35 views



//Generate Level 
while(cubeSpawns != 100) 
    currentSpawnLocation = new Vector3(Random.Range(-5, 5), Random.Range(-5, 5), Random.Range(-5, 5)); 
    if (currentSpawnLocation != lastSpawns) 
     GameObject cubeClone = (GameObject)Instantiate(Cubes[Random.Range(0,Cubes.Length)], transform.position + currentSpawnLocation, Quaternion.identity); 
     currentSpawnLocation = lastSpawns[cubeSpawns]; 
     cubeClone.transform.parent = CubeClones; 
     cubeSpawns = cubeSpawns + 1; 

此代碼甚至不會編譯。你甚至試過研究這個(例如:在搜索引擎中輸入「C#array contains」)? – UnholySheep





currentSpawnLocation = new Vector3(Random.Range(-5, 5), Random.Range(-5, 5), Random.Range(-5, 5)); 
if (Array.IndexOf(lastSpawns, currentSpawnLocation) == -1) 
    // the currentSpawnlocation is not found 
    GameObject cubeClone = (GameObject)Instantiate(Cubes[Random.Range(0,Cubes.Length)], transform.position + currentSpawnLocation, Quaternion.identity); 
    cubeClone.transform.parent = CubeClones; 
    // I assume you want to store currentSpawnLocation in the array 
    // for that I use your cubeSpawns variable to keep track of where 
    // we are in the array. If you use cubeSpawns for something else, adapt accordingly 
    lastSpawns[cubeSpawns] = currentSpawnLocation; 
    cubeSpawns = cubeSpawns + 1; 
    // prevent going beyond the capacity of the array 
    // you might want to move this in front of the array assingment 
    if (cubeSpawns > lastSpawns.Length) 
     // doing this will overwrite earlier Vector3 
     // in your array 
     cubeSpawns = 0; 

非常感謝! – lukefly2