2012-06-22 17 views

我正在爲我的編程課寫這個Rock Paper Scissors程序,並且在程序結束時出現了一些問題,讓它們顯示出滿分。我是Python的超級初學者,所以在這裏沒什麼特別的。出於某種原因,當我運行該程序時,無論遊戲循環多少次,唯一顯示的分數爲1。我在這裏做錯了什麼?簡單的岩石紙剪刀遊戲,迴歸分數的問題?

from myro import * 
from random import * 

def announceGame(): 
    """ Announces the game to the user """ 
    speak("Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors. I look forward to playing you.") 

def computerMove(): 
    """ Determines a random choice for the computer """ 
randomNumber = random() 
    if randomNumber == 1: 
     compMove = "R" 
    elif randomNumber == 2: 
     compMove = "P" 
     compMove = "S" 
return compMove 

def userMove(): 
    """ Asks the user to input their choice.""" 
    userChoice = raw_input("Please enter R, P, or S: ") 
    return userChoice 

def playGame(userChoice, compMove): 
    """ Compares the user's choice to the computer's choice, and decides who wins.""" 

    global userWin 
    global compWin 
    global tie 

    userWin = 0 
    compWin = 0 
    tie = 0 

    if (userChoice == "R" and compMove == "S"): 
     userWin = userWin + 1 
     print "You win." 

    elif (userChoice == "R" and compMove == "P"): 
     compWin = compWin + 1 
     print "I win." 

    elif (userChoice == "S" and compMove == "R"): 
     compWin = compWin + 1 
     print "I win." 

    elif (userChoice == "S" and compMove == "P"): 
     userWin = userWin + 1 
     print "You win" 

    elif (userChoice == "P" and compMove == "S"): 
     compWin = compWin + 1 
     print "I win" 

    elif (userChoice == "P" and compMove == "R"): 
     userWin = userWin + 1 
     print "You win" 

     tie = tie + 1 
     print "It's a tie" 

    return compWin, userWin, tie 

def printResults(compWin, userWin, tie): 
    """ Prints the results at the end of the game. """ 
    print "  Rock Paper Scissors Results " 
    print "------------------------------------" 
    print "Computer Wins: " + str(compWin) 
    print "User Wins: " + str(userWin) 
    print "Ties: " + str(tie) 

def main(): 
    for game in range(1,6): 
     u = userMove() 
     c = computerMove() 
     game = playGame(u,c) 

    printResults(compWin, userWin, tie) 




裏面playGame,設置userWincompWin,並且tie爲零。因此,每次調用該函數時,都會在添加新值之前將其設置爲零。您應該在循環中調用的函數之外初始化這些變量。 (例如,你可以初始化他們在announceGame。)


我沒有將這段代碼移動到announceGame()函數,但它仍然與0或告訴我的本地變量已被引用前賦值? – user1473879


如果你想引用來自該函數的全局變量,你仍然需要在'playGame'中包含'global'語句。如果你想保持它們的值,你不應該將它們設置爲零。 – BrenBarn


啊,非常感謝:)現在工作得很好 – user1473879