2012-06-13 34 views


我的代碼的結構是假設我的JDBC對象一旦鬆動範圍就會被垃圾收集,但顯然不是這種情況。我原本是使用JPA做的,但是內存負載爆炸了,所以我恢復到了JDBC,但是我仍然收到巨大的內存泄漏,其中包含對JDBC語句& ResultSets的引用。



public class WSDFileCollector implements Collector { 

    private EntityManager em; 

    public void run(final CollectorEntity collector) throws SQLException { 

     final Connection connection = em.unwrap(Connection.class); 
     final String table = "tmp_sat_" + collector.getSite().getId(); 
     final String column = "filename"; 
     try { 
      // Create temporary table 
      // Scan files & folders under a given directory. 
      // Load filenames into MySQL Temporary table. 

      final Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); 
      final ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery("SELECT filename FROM temporary_table WHERE filename NOT IN (SELECT filename FROM existing_files"); 
      while (results.next()) { 
       final File file = new File(collector.getPath(), results.getString("filename")); 
       if (file.isFile()) { 
        extractAndSave(file, collector); 
     } finally { 
      // Delete temporary table 

    private void extractAndSave(final File file, final CollectorEntity collector) { 
     final Connection connection = em.unwrap(Connection.class); 
     try { 
      // Begin a transaction 
      // INSERT new file into existing_files 

      // Scan the file, extract data and insert into multiple database tables. 

      // Commit transaction 
     } catch (final SQLException | FileNotFoundException ex) { 
      // Rollback transaction 




// Declare resources. 
Connection connection = null; 
Statement statement = null; 
ResultSet resultSet = null; 

try { 
    // Acquire resources. 
    connection = getConnectionSomehow(); 
    statement = connection.createStatement(); 
    resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); 

    // ... 
} finally { 
    // Close resources in reversed order. 
    if (resultSet != null) try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException logOrIgnore) {} 
    if (statement != null) try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException logOrIgnore) {} 
    if (connection != null) try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException logOrIgnore) {} 



你的錢一如既往BalusC。我不知道ResultSet和Statement需要關閉。謝謝。 – klonq


不客氣。 – BalusC