public class Feed {
private final int DEFAULT_MAX_ITEMS = 10; // default size of array
/* Attribute declarations */
private String name; // the name of the feed
private String[] list; // the array of items
private int size; // the amount of items in the feed
* Constructor
public Feed(String name){
list = new String[DEFAULT_MAX_ITEMS];
size = 0;
* add method adds an item to the list
* @param item
public void add(String item){
item = new String();
// add it to the array of items
// if array is not big enough, double its capacity automatically
if (size == list.length)
// add reference to item at first free spot in array
list[size] = item;
* expandCapacity method is a helper method
* that creates a new array to store items with twice the capacity
* of the existing one
private void expandCapacity(){
String[] largerList = new String[list.length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
largerList[i] = list[i];
list = largerList;
* toString method returns a string representation of all items in the list
* @return
public String toString(){
String s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
s = s + list[i].toString()+ "\n";
return s;
* test harness
public static void main(String args[]) {
Feed testFeed = new Feed("test");
testFeed.add("blah blah blah");
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'public void add(String item){ item = new String();'你確定你想要做到這一點? –
您正在覆蓋'add'中的'String'值。 –